Rerun Derivative Column For Empty Cells
Hello, I have a derivative column that calls an external api to fill the cell. After a full run, there are some cells that were not filled in. How do I rerun the code on just those rows with blank cells?
4 Replies
Guessing I need to create a cloud function that checks for empty columns then computes the derivative column. Thoughts?
i've reverted to creating another column that checks if the original column has a value, and if it doesn't, it runs the code needed to fill it and if it does, it uses that value
Is there a better way to do this?
Hey @fanli, you can right-click on the cell to open up the cell menu. Here you can click "Evaluate" to run the derivative for the specific columns.

Or, you can simply run "Evaluate All" from the column menu to re-run the derivative on all the cells simultaneously.

Hi @Bhavya ✨! Evaluate a single cell works. Evaluate All does not run it for all cells simultaneously.