aruana17mo ago

rowy-trigger does not trigger the buildship-side of things

Hi there pls have a look at I setup everything per docs but I cannot get the rowy-triggers-buildship-workflow to work .. any ideas? cheers Philip
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7 Replies
Shams17mo ago
Hi @aruana , thanks for sharing the video, could you also please share the rowy logs for the extention
aruanaOP17mo ago
Hi @Shams , one sec { "timestamp": { "seconds": 1698748365, "nanos": 562999963 }, "labels": {}, "insertId": "..........7RlsyX2C49h8GVMGnUbA8Z", "httpRequest": null, "resource": { "labels": { "function_name": "R-users", "region": "europe-west6", "project_id": "ch-aruana-kinderpass-v3" }, "type": "cloud_function" }, "severity": "DEFAULT", "logName": "projects/ch-aruana-kinderpass-v3/logs/rowy-logging", "operation": null, "trace": "", "sourceLocation": null, "receiveTimestamp": { "seconds": "1698748368", "nanos": 84050802 }, "spanId": "", "traceSampled": false, "split": null, "jsonPayload": { "tablePath": "users/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy", "functionType": "extension", "extensionSource": "function", "extensionType": "buildshipAuthenticatedTrigger", "loggingSource": "backend-function", "extensionName": "buildshipAuthenticatedTrigger extension", "payload": "extensionBody started" }, "payload": "jsonPayload" } there you go 🙂
Shams17mo ago
thanks @aruana , @Bobby can you take a look please
Bobby17mo ago
Hi @aruana , sorry for the late reply. We've fixed a bug on the Rowy extension side that causes this issue. After a rebuild of your table function, it should work. Could you please try again and let me know if it works?
aruanaOP17mo ago
Hi again @Bobby , unfortunately, the triggering of any buildship-workflow from within rowy does not work at all .. I stand corrected - the trigger now works ... BUT it is painfully slow. It should trigger ASAP .. otherwise it's of no use for my project .. is there something that could be done from my side to accomplish that?
Bobby17mo ago
Nice to see its working. For the issue of speed, by default, the minimum instance is set to 0 in the built table function in Rowy's GCP project, and same in BuildShip, meaning there's a short cold start time on both side. (cc @Shams) You can improve it by setting it to 1, meaning your table function is always available and there is no cold start time. On Rowy side, you can visit the GCP console and update the R-[table_name] function's minimum instance to 1. On BuildShip side, you can upgrade your project to Pro plan, which does not have the cold start for your workflows. Moreover, the Pro plan does not has the limit of 1 concurrent request in the free plan, which is a significant factor for speed if you have a lot of changes defined in your Rowy extension.
No description
aruanaOP17mo ago
Great thx! 🙂

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