Not able to access workflow
Hi guys - Massive issue with Buildship here... I cannot get into a workflow I have been buildign for 3 days

13 Replies
@JonN3 , taking a look at your workflow.
ok cool
I can tell you eactly where i had the error if you want
Sure, that would be helpful.
It was left hand side in a loop, there is a spot that says "actions lsit"
There is a "loop" that has a supabase 'update' row in that loop
Its coped from elsewhere in the flow
you can just delete that supabase update on in the loop
Based upon the error of "null" and "secretname' it might be the field "secret" i nthat supabase update too
@JonN3 For now I've removed a node "Action List Not Empty" from your workflow on my system. You can paste this in a new workflow and should be able to continue with the workflow.
We are working on enhancing and adding error handlers to prevent this.
hmmm i still cant get past the error tho
Ohhh you ar esaying paste that code into a new workflow
How do i do that
Copy the above code, create a new workflow and paste the above code from the top level action bar. If you want I can add it to your workflow to unblock you.

yeah could you jsut create a new workflow for me? lol
Added. Check now, you should be able to see a new workflow with fix.
Got it!
Thanks yes its there
Thanks a bunch for that help
Well I now have the same error as the one i just had again
In the new one
Im not sure why - I should be able to copy nodes and paste them right?
@Gaurav Chadha can you create another workflow the same way as before?
Cna you just show me where i can enter the code?
@Gaurav Chadha nvm got it!
We'll be adding a fix for this.