Old Boy
Old Boy15mo ago

Is there a way to set create and set API

Is there a way to set create and set API Keys for the APIs?
18 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Hi, you can pass the key as parameter in the Authorization Header of the REST API call to create key for your BuildShip API and access it in the next variables.
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Also, if you are using Firebase, you can add authentication using Firebase Auth Trigger, docs - https://docs.buildship.com/trigger-nodes/firebase-auth
Firebase Authenticated User Trigger – BuildShip
A unified resource to start building your backend with low-code. Dive into triggers, nodes, and step-by-step guidance to jumpstart your workflow creation.
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
A little confused by that. pass the key as a paremeter and validate in the next node?
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
You can refer to this thread's first point - https://discord.com/channels/853498675484819476/1189598861602332774/1189619249438806036. In case if you are looking how to store API keys and use across your project, you can refer - https://docs.buildship.com/secrets.
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Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
I'm sorry. This is still not working as expected. I'm trying to pass a key or string in the header. But my header auth and outside testing keep coming up as an error Not understanding what I'm doing wrong here
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
Comes up blank even though I'm passing a header "Authorization : kkkkkkkkkk"
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Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Can you share your workflow via in-app support? Or here is a simple workflow example of using auth header, you can paste this to a new workflow.
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Same usecase here, they are using bool instead - https://discord.com/channels/853498675484819476/1194678089867862148.
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
I just need it to return the "Authorization" value so that I can then validate it to continue the workflow I tried yours as well, Getting the same errors
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Can you share your workflow via in-app support?
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
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Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
Yeah. I will
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
I created a micro version of the same issue
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Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
The return is getting the authorzation header, but coming back undefined. I think I just found the problem. You can recreate and test auth headers in buildship
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Cool, I looked at your workflow, and there is another workaround, we can also retreive the authorization header value directly without Get Authorization Node.
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha15mo ago
Also, as you have mentioned about learning more about the API specification in the support request, you can refer this - https://docs.buildship.com/basics/api-spec. It contains how to create authoirzation header and is use with example.
Old Boy
Old BoyOP15mo ago
Thanks. I just got the authorization header to work in using Hoppscotch. I just couldn't test it directly in the app. (maybe a suggestion to have that in the test as you only have headers, query, body).

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