Hello, I am looking for someone who is
Hello, I am looking for someone who is an expert in Buildship and Supabase. DM if so please
8 Replies
Hi @FMoh, We will be launching an experts program soon if you would like paid work or a high-level overview of your app's logic from BuildShip experts.
You can specify the details in this format and email the details to experts@buildship.com.
1. Project Outline:
2. Outcome Required: Building of a node, workflow, or end-to-end backend on BuildShip.
3. Video recording on loom if possible.
Also, there are many tutorials and videos available on Supabase you can refer - https://docs.buildship.com/database/supabase.
Thanks for getting back Gaurav, is this program up and running now?
I need a buildship expert this week. I've been going around twitter on those that liked your posts, but it hasn't been an effective search strategy.
Yes, it is up. If you have already sent an email, you can bump it up, or I can help with followup.
I will do that in the next hour then Gaurav. Thanks Gaurav!
Email sent!
Good morning Gaurav! Let me know if your able to find someone
Hi Gaurav. Hope your having a great day, and truly appreciate your attention to my needs. I am looking to close this by this weekend and ideally talk to someone today to identify the right person. I am wondering if there is a chance that can happen?
Sure, I'll forward this to team to connect you with an expert today.
Amazing, thank you!
Hi we have emailed you now, is your name Firas? You can connect with Stuart our BuildShip expert - email info@connectio.com.au
Thanks Gaurav! I reached out to stuart and emailed you guys back. Thank you!