vlototskyi9mo ago

Sandbox environment

Is it possible to create multiple environments in Buildship (dev/stage/prod)? Maybe there are some workarounds to work with multiple environments? In my opinion, this is a necessary functionality without which it is impossible to iteratively develop production ready solutions
3 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha9mo ago
I would recommend having 2 separate Buildship projects, having the project label and icon clearly indicating which project you're on. for now copying and pasting the workflow is easy and quick way to move workflows from DEV to PROD, we'll have a more automated system in a future release. Or if you don't want to pay for two different projects you can use folders too in the same project to manage dev and prod workflows. Copy/Paste workflow - https://docs.buildship.com/features/copy-paste.
No description
vlototskyi9mo ago
Got it, it would be greate to have this fuctionality in the future. Because on the big projects it would be hard to copy all endpoints between environments. If I will have like 50 workflows it will take an hour to copy all 🙂
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha9mo ago
Sure, we'll be adding this in near future. Stay tuned. 😉