5 Replies
Could you please elaborate more? This thread might be useful for a quick look https://discord.com/channels/853498675484819476/1197552314974740531/1197552314974740531.
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How can I insert the 2 parameters (as example headers: {
'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'fa5f502be8msh3daa3dffa53b1cdp1cdf56jsn351cf3f573b5',
'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'tasty.p.rapidapi.com'
}) in the Authorization fiedl?
Did you get it to work?
I need this too
I have done it, but I didn't use API Call node. Or to be more precise, I did use it, but was not able to make it work. So what I did instead was, I first used the inbuilt node generator on Buildship. But later, I needed more custom nodes, so I used ChatGPT for it. Simply add to ChatGPT message information from Buildships documentation about Empty nodes and also add the default node logic code. Then explain what your Rapid API need to do, what call to make, expected output, etc. You will get all the things needed for you to create your custom node that will make the API call.