Captain.Camie14mo ago

Is IP whitelisting possible? 🤍

I want only specific IP addresses to be able to trigger my workflow. Is this possible in buildship?
3 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha14mo ago
Hi @Captain.Camie Yes, you can whitelist the IP(s) using a custom domain. We provide a custom domain option in the Expert plan for this. Pricing plan -
Captain.CamieOP14mo ago
Not sure if you understood my question. I want only certain IP addresses to be able to call/trigger my Buildship workflow. How does a custom domain achieve this? Pardon my ignorance.
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha14mo ago
As all the Buildship APIs are hosted and deployed on BuildShip's server. To whitelist IP you'll require to access and edit the server configuration to whitelist specific IP. With custom domain, you can host the server on your own GCP which will give you full access control of the server configuration and allows you to configure your source database to allow incoming connections from public IP addresses and setup IP address whitelists.

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