boilermanc8mo ago

To Field for Resend Email Format

Hi all, just getting started with Buildship. Trying to send an email on insert from Supabase. I have the supabase node setup and i'm working through the workflow (will probably need some help with that too) but i have the Resend node setup and cannot figure out the "To" field structure. just trying to test with my own email. i have tried every type of bracket you can find on the keyboard. i get this error. { "data": null, "error": { "name": "validation_error", "statusCode": 422, "message": "Invalid to field. The email address needs to follow the or Name <> format." } } thanks!
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2 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha8mo ago
Hi @boilermanc Add the email as in array eg: ['']
boilermanc8mo ago
thanks! i did get a workfow working. very cool