Picture Me This
Picture Me This7mo ago

DALL-E usage with Assistant node

DALL-E usage with Assistant node
Hi @Picture Me This, you can use the Replicate - Stability AI Image Generation node for this.
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10 Replies
Picture Me This
Picture Me This7mo ago
Has anyone had success getting images from assistant node? Either as function or node? Keeping getting errors about 512 kb limit (for base64) or bogus URL syndrome.
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha7mo ago
Hi @Picture Me This, you can use the Replicate - Stability AI Image Generation node for this.
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Aleks7mo ago
Hi Gaurav, i want to retrieve file_id that is generated by openAI code interpreter. I added a message to return it (see attached screenshot) but I get an error message saying that file_id is undefined . Do you have a solution for my use case?
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Aleks7mo ago
"error": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'file_id')"
Aleks7mo ago
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Aleks7mo ago
why is this not working? this time i got this error message
Aleks7mo ago
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Aleks7mo ago
which is from reading messages.body.data[0].content[0].text.value
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha7mo ago
Hi Alex, could you please share your workflow copy via in-app support? I'll take a look.
Aleks7mo ago
Greate, i will do in a few min i just shared my workflow from the app my workflow works when i don't invoke OpenAI Code Interpreter but as soon as I ask a question that invokes Code Interpreter, the call fails i pass the following message from the user: "message":"what is business strategy? what is business strategy? Draw a graph with Porter's 5 forces"