James8mo ago

James - I need help with the connector field. I...

I need help with the connector field. I've already went through all the docs and support requests and can't seem to find out how to do the most basic connector to another firestore collection. https://docs.rowy.io/field-types/connector#examples. This is a complete roadblock in my process to get started. I'm in a group with a few other users who are all experiencing the same issue. Maybe because we come from a no-code background. I have trained an AI on the rowy docs for the connector page, and even GPT4 can't figure it out. Please help and thank you. @Gaurav Chadha @Harini
Connector • Rowy Docs
Connector columns allow you to excute any backend code and return a list of
16 Replies
Harini8mo ago
Hi James, the connector field is a lowcode field so it does require a bit of background of how to code and firebase. Would you like to hire a Rowy expert for your get setup with this field? If so email me at harini@rowy.io
James8mo ago
@Harini Thank you for your response. I need to hire a developer for something that is less than 6 lines of code? What I am trying to do is achieve the most basic thing and generate a list of options from another Firestore table. I only need the name. I am trying to sync the name with webflow mult ref collections because there is no documentation on that. But I am just trying to simply connect to another table for now as it is the first step. @Harini I do not mean to sound rude, but its exceptionally frustrating when I can't even get started. I just want to implement simple functionality for now. I'm not sure why its called NoCodeCMS if I need to hire someone else for something that may be be only 1 min or less to code. I have a group chat with a few other Webflow devs who all express the same concerns. I know i am not a paying customer right now, but how do I get my team to adopt this platform if even a simple reference field cannot be connected. I have plans for buildship too, but I have no hopes of using it if my table can't even be set up correctly like airtable or webflow with reference fields.
Harini8mo ago
Hi James, understand your frustration. But All of the basic fields like text, numbers, emails etc are nocode but when you get into the territory of using code columns like connectors, derivatives that require code deployment that’s when we are seeing the problem. Depending on how you want to set it up and ensure it is done right etc this needs dev time to help you use the lowcode columns correctly, understand your table structure, connect the two tables, show the value you are looking for etc. we have examples on docs but your message here without any screenshot of the code your have used, video explanation of what you are seeing or a bit more detail into the exact issue after what you tried it’s hard for us to help. We don’t have the bandwidth to manually help users setup code columns one by one at the free tier at this moment unfortunately. A rowy dev expert can help you with this and to get setup fully if you would like or if you do not have to spend then it can help us if you can share as much detail as possible for us to be able to support. Thanks for your understanding and patience
James8mo ago
I have a Collection called "Products" which I am trying to connect to another collection called "Tags". This is the code I generated with the help of GPT4 and your docs.
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James8mo ago
@Harini When I add that code, it just shows no items in the connector dropdown. I have a field with the key title. Its essentially the same table which are both duplicates of the Webflow template
James8mo ago
@Harini a resource of how to sync multi ref and single ref collections would be greatly appreciated and allow me to start adding content for my team/clients to use. I don't understand why Rowy is made for Webflow users if there are no docs for those collection types. The only Demo of a firestore table with the connnector field is at https://demo.rowy.io/table/connectors#. This example references the collection id "lwjShow" but I can't find that table anywhere in the demos. I can't even try to backwards engineer it to figure out what exactly I am doing wrong.
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James8mo ago
I keep referring other no-code Webflow devs to take a look and they can't seem to figure it out.B But they seem optimistic with the platform.
James8mo ago
@Harini I used another example code of yours but changed the collection id and the field out for my table. And didnt get any results back.
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha8mo ago
@James, You can try checking the column logs for "Connector" column, it will help you to check and debug the issue - https://docs.rowy.io/cloud-logs#column-logs.
James8mo ago
@Gaurav Chadha There are no column logs for it. I used the exact same code as your example but swapped out the collection id and field id. Can another example be provided? Do I need to setup anything else for the Connector field to work. All I have done is create another table from the webflow template and named it tags. I am just trying to show items from that table, no advanced filtering.
James8mo ago
@Gaurav Chadha @Harini Are multi reference and single refernce fields synced between Rowy and Webflow even possible? It feels like it isn't because there is no documentation and anytime I have asked about it, it seems to be ignored completely. I apologize if my tone seems rude, but frankly, I am just trying to see if Rowy can be used for such a simple Webflow use case. I would love to use Rowy but I don't understand why you would create the marketing page "nocodecms" if there is no docs provided for something that is integral to Webflow CMS management. I have already reached out to many other Webflowers and they seem interested, but like me, they have no idea how to do it because we are not experienced with Firebase. So please answer that if it is even possible to connect to multi reference collections or single reference. I'm sure many others would like to know as well. Sorry, but I have to be honest because I feel like we keep circling around this.
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James8mo ago
@Gaurav Chadha @Harini I apologize, I know your team is busy but please just tell me if Webflow multi references are possible. I can't delay my projects anymore otherwise I will have to go back to Airtable because simply I can't get an answer. I just want to know if its possible. My question seems to be ignored every time I ask about this capability. A simple Yes or No would suffice. @Gaurav Chadha @Harini I am genuinely confused why I can't get a response. Just looking to use Rowy for my team and manage clients. Not sure if you are just ignoring me personally but it definitely feels like that. Again, I apologize if I sound rude, but all I wanted was to quickly develop multi reference syncing with Webflow. I didn't think I would need external developers for such a task. I'm will be looking at hiring some other developers with experience in Firebase, but it would be nice to be respected and given an answer straight up, instead of my question being ignored for days/weeks since I first joined this Discord. It takes only a few seconds to respond to me with a Yes/No regarding if there is a use case for syncing multi-references with Webflow. It would save me some money, time, and some frustration pointed towards your team. I was only providing feedback that their should be documentation on it if its possible. Not sure why this has escalated to a personal matter because it feels that way when I see support given to others but not myself. Kind Regards, James
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha8mo ago
Hi @James, we understand your frustration regarding the delayed response. Please know that there's nothing personal here, there is slightly less bandwidth to work on this usecase manually, which is why we weren't able to address your inquiry as promptly as we would have liked. However, we want to assure you that your feedback is valuable to us, and we do not intend to ignore any of our users. As Harini mentioned above, you can connect with our Rowy experts at https://www.rowy.io/experts. They have extensive experience with Rowy and its integrations, and they will definitely be able to assist you with implementing the use case you described.
James8mo ago
Hi @Gaurav Chadha. Thank you for your prompt response. I understand the referral to the experts program, however, I am just just looking for an answer regarding if it is possible to sync Webflow with multi-reference fields. I obviously do not want to go through the process of hiring someone if it cannot be achieved. Additionally, I find it concerning that I'm not getting an answer if its possible or not, and if I am not getting a direct answer, it leads me to believe that I am the first to try and develop this. Which is very strange to me because it seems like a frequent request from users who find Rowy through nocodecms. So again, please tell me if it is possible and if the functionality has been built out before. I have no plans to dump a lot of money into something that can't be developed. That is just a poor business decision.
Harini8mo ago
Hi @James - Rowy was not specifically created for webflow, it is a general purpose tool that can be used as you would like by either experimenting to see if it fits your usecase or working with experts if you need coding help especially if you do not have coding experience and are trying to use the code heavy columns of Rowy like connector or derivative. The base template we shared for webflow with NoCodeCMS works for base usecase for typical columns like text, numbers, links etc. However when you start using code heavy columns like connectors with multi reference etc then depending on how it’s used / created both in the code and depending on the webflow api of what it allows it might be possible but we have not tested this specific usecase so we are unable to give you a specific answer if this works or not. As mentioned in Rowy pricing plan, we are not able to provide custom support on free tier. So based on all the things you have shared so far perhaps it’s not an ideal fit and other solutions might be a better choice.
James8mo ago
@harini I never implied it was specifically created for Webflow. I was just trying to encourage your team to create some documentation on this because my "use case" of multi references seems to be the most common use case for every Webflow dev. I'm not sure how many marketing teams are transitioning to Rowy without the ability to assign Categories, Tags etc. through multi references. I feel the base template should incorporate that given it is a basic feature for anybody trying to manage CMS. Don't take that as a dig or an offensive comment. Just some feedback about some growth opportunities if Rowy is trying to attract more users from Webflow community. I've spoken to 5+ other members in this discord who need that functionality, so unless they are lying, I'm pretty sure this just isn't a personal use case for me specifically. I was just looking for great product to complement my workflow and team. Rowy and Buildship seem like the perfect fit. I hope you consider my feedback in the future because there is a group of Webflow devs ready to make the switch to incorporate Rowy and Buildship in their tech stack.