MV7mo ago

Failed to execute workflow

Is there issue on Buildship services, working workflows are failing and API call response is 503?
6 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha7mo ago
Hi @MV, can you refresh and deploy again? and share a screenshot?
MV7mo ago
Tried, did't help, and it's all my worksflows same, with simple get query gives 503 response. just wondering have I hit some usage limit, but there is no way to see, I have paid plan
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha7mo ago
okay, I'll check again, thank you for sharing via support form. Will resolve and update asap.
MV7mo ago
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha7mo ago
@MV, Issue is now resolved, sent you an email with info.
MV7mo ago
Got it, thanks, working now