pablonaj12mo ago

Need basic help with parsing a query...

I am trying to get the value from canonical href (the link) in this following sample call. Am I right using Query Parameter? I have tried a few things and can't make it work. { "rule": { "name": "Gaming News", "matchesToday": "112", "matchesTotal": "11852" }, "items": [ { "crawlTimeMsec": "1553225690484", "timestampUsec": "1553225690484482", "id": ",2005:reader/item/000000048c7e8793", "categories": [ "user/1001926517/state/", "user/1001926517/state/", "user/1001926517/label/Gaming" ], "title": "Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines Is Getting A Sequel, And It Looks Pretty Good", "published": 1553225400, "updated": 0, "canonical": [ { "href": "" } ], "alternate": [ { "href": "", "type": "text/html" } ], "summary": { "direction": "ltr", "content": "The 2004 roleplaying game left a lasting impression on roleplaying fans despite some clumsy gameplay...." }, "author": "Heather Alexandra", "likingUsers": [], "comments": [], "commentsNum": -1, "annotations": [], "origin": { "streamId": "feed/", "title": "Kotaku", "htmlUrl": "" } } ] }
Hi It is bit difficult to understated form this json object, which should be query or not, could you please share the API referce docs? I would recommend leveraging the AI node generator to create a node -
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2 Replies
pablonajOP12mo ago
Is the youtube caption extraction working?
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha12mo ago
Hi It is bit difficult to understated form this json object, which should be query or not, could you please share the API referce docs? I would recommend leveraging the AI node generator to create a node -

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