telegram bot problems
I have created a telegram bot that interacts with gpt assistant.
The bot it is working, however only answer in the original account that i send the message.
I enter in the bot in another telegram account. And when I am going to interact with the bot. Answers in the original account that the telegram bot it was created.
And I want the bot to answer in the original message.
I have tried all, add the "Log Message".
Also i have replace the chat Id of the bot, that i have it to the "Message Id".
But it is not working.
Can you help me?

5 Replies
Hi @Mel | Rosebud, In the above template the chatId is fetched from the Telegram Bot trigger and is passed as variable, if you change the chat ID manually it won't work. You can revert the change and then ship your workflow.
Then serach your deployed bot on Telegram from a new phonenumber/user and then start sending message from that, it should work, you can refer to this -
Thanks Gaurav. But how can I revert the change? I don't understand. I have read the documents, but they don't talk about this issue.
Delete the workflow and clone again from the template and only add the bot token and then you can ship it.
But it is not working. I had put besides the bot token. The APi key of got and the assistant Id.
Now doesn't reply the bot ..
Now the bot replies for the correct telegram account. Saying AI is thinking.
However doesn't answer with gpt..
What it is Missing? I have copy exactly with the same template
Can you check the logs, what message content is passed in the request body? Also, I'm assuming you have setup the telegram bot as standalone (individual interaction) not group?