Sleetza5mo ago

trouble exporting default function

Hey guys, This function I wrote works perfectly when I test it in test mode. When I run it as part of my workflow, it does not work. I think it has to do with the way I export the default function. Any pointers to what I am doing wrong? Code in attachment
Hi @Clinton, the output too large, is not an issue, you can still return the value or view the value when you execute test, we are working on improving the UX around it.
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19 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
Hi @Sleetza, could you please share the error message you get on running a test via workflow test?
Sleetza5mo ago
I am not getting an error
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
Are the outputs different, if you could please elaborate of what is not working, as the export function looks fine.
Sleetza5mo ago
The enrich json function node replaces the value of 'omschrijving' for each 'werkervaring' object. It is working isolated, but not in the workflow:
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Sleetza5mo ago
It should replace '#####' and does that when I test the node isolated.
Sleetza5mo ago
This is the result when I test it isolated with the same inputs:
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
I would recommend adding logging.log and checking the values received.
Logging – BuildShip
A unified resource to start building your backend with low-code. Dive into triggers, nodes, and step-by-step guidance to jumpstart your workflow creation.
Sleetza5mo ago
You mean logging the 'text' and 'json' input variables when running the workflow?
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
also logging in node logic to check the replace logic.
Sleetza5mo ago
Ok, interesting
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Sleetza5mo ago
Any clue what might be causing this? Am I hitting memory limits?
Sleetza5mo ago
Not sure whats happening, but now my entier workflow is gone:
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
It should be back working now, you can refresh the app.
Sleetza5mo ago
Its back, thanks. Any word yet on the input/output too large thing?
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
okay, I missed that, it should not cause any issues, the value is simply too large to be displayed in log. But should not affect the execution.