Elli Grossman
Elli Grossman9mo ago

streaming AI assistant + flutterflow & Firebase

Has anyone actually been able to implement the chat history in flutterflow?? I know that the chats are saved in Firebase, but how do you implement it in flutterflow?
2 Replies
Stu9mo ago
Sure... what would you like to know? If you follow the template, they're stored to the "chats" collection in Firebase.
Henry Moses
Henry Moses9mo ago
Hey @Elli Grossman , how is it going? Did you get a chance to follow our template. Also here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0g0FWqWSLg
Streaming AI Assistant on FlutterFlow with BuildShip Template
Learn how to get streaming response from AI Assistant connected to your database and tools on FlutterFlow with BuildShip. This is a full stack template. Cloneables here: BuildShip Template: https://buildship.app/remix?template=streaming-assistant-flutterflow FlutterFlow Marketplace App: https://marketplace.flutterflow.io/item/xvsvtzyflKhmxN7UVa...

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