Error response from Buildship Workflow even if success
I get an error in the Builship Workflow node, but when I check the specific workflow, I get success, it should return the data.
Workflow ID that run the other workflow: 2L8uuxvp9hdAhFmtL71H
Workflow ID that is being run: 9VJ9F7ECfsmpCvUhyWYh

Solution:Jump to solution
Hi @Francois, from the screenshot, the BuildShip execute workflow node didn't executed successfully, as it shows a syntax error, you can check on the data if it is correct? Also, you can share your workflow via in-app support as well -
2 Replies
Hi @Francois, from the screenshot, the BuildShip execute workflow node didn't executed successfully, as it shows a syntax error, you can check on the data if it is correct? Also, you can share your workflow via in-app support as well -
Got it, found the solution, thanks!