Balbin0#9613123 - Guys, there's a way to add a ...
Guys, there's a way to add a Node, where I can make the join with the id's columns?
I'm using chat with supabase
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Hi @Balbin0#9613123, You can use the Join Query Read the specified columns of a Supabase table and join with another table using ID columns.
official docs for join query syntax - link.
Querying Joins and Nested tables | Supabase Docs
The Data APIs automatically detect relationships between Postgres tables.

2 Replies
Hi @Balbin0#9613123, You can use the Join Query Read the specified columns of a Supabase table and join with another table using ID columns.
official docs for join query syntax - link.
You can easily implement and achieve this by modifying the existing "Get Columns" node using AI.Supabase
Querying Joins and Nested tables | Supabase Docs
The Data APIs automatically detect relationships between Postgres tables.

Perfect, thanks for sharing your knowledge with me!