Tim Stewart
Tim Stewart10mo ago

Streaming assistant showing json in chat widget

I know I must be doing something wrong, however after it not working at all, then setting window.buildShipChatWidget.config.responseIsAStream = true; I can see a response, however it looks like this: {"stream":{"_events":{},"_readableState":{"highWaterMark":16384,"buffer":[],"bufferIndex":0,"length":0,"pipes":[],"awaitDrainWriters":null}},"threadId":"thread_115YhyKghSRjBtnbm5DlNzPn"} Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?
I've resolved this myself by starting with your streaming assistant template again and moving my nodes from the old one into my library, then adding them to the new version of your template. One irritation is that the content of the nodes is not preserved when adding it to your library, and I couldn't figure out how to copy and then paste inside the assistant nodes list....
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4 Replies
Harini10mo ago
Hi @Tim Stewart - could you share you workflow via in app support - we can take a look and help you out
Tim Stewart
Tim StewartOP10mo ago
OK, I have done that, thanks.
Tim Stewart
Tim Stewart10mo ago
I've resolved this myself by starting with your streaming assistant template again and moving my nodes from the old one into my library, then adding them to the new version of your template. One irritation is that the content of the nodes is not preserved when adding it to your library, and I couldn't figure out how to copy and then paste inside the assistant nodes list.
Tim Stewart
Tim StewartOP10mo ago
I attempted to mark this as a solution, but it got an error.
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