Using information derived from assistant in supabase row filter
Is there a repeatable pattern I can use for this?
When i use autofill with ai and try to explain what information and what column name to match on it's not working for me.
I'd like to be able to do something like this without using the AI autofill (because you only get so many of those and so far they aren't working for me anyways):
CustomerEmail=eq.{Customer Email address}
where the column to filter on is CustomerEmail and the information the assistant is aware of is the Customer email address.
I feel like in all your videos this is just skimmed over repeatedly, and in the supabase documentation it does not discuss this (with respect to assistants at all)
This is my biggest problem with BuildShip, sometimes there is way too much magic (without the ability to see what that magic actually produced, ie: ai autofill), and sometimes there is absolutely none. Like for example, Table Names and Column names should be autopopulated from the actual supabsae schema, and Javascript objects that are known within the workflow should be autocompleted so you don't have to guess so much.
2 Replies
Hey @Tim Stewart can you send me a screenshot of your workflow?
I will when I get to my computer @Henry Moses but I don't see how that could help, it's just an assistant node with some supabase nodes inside that I want to be able to pass things that I've asked the assistant to learn from the user as info to filter the row by