adamsardo5mo ago

adamsardo - hey all, have posted in support but...

hey all, have posted in support but by chance would anyone know why I'm not getting my API endpoint after shipping a workflow? Ty in advance 🙏
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5 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha5mo ago
Hi @adamsardo, You can click the link icon to get the endpoint.
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adamsardo5mo ago
Ahhh that’s where it is Thanks for point that out. Appreciate the quick response 🙂
adamsardo5mo ago
@Gaurav Chadha are these errors on buildships end, or flutterflows?
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Deepanshu5mo ago
hey @adamsardo , can you tell which buildship api are you trying to access through your flutterflow app? i can see in the logs here, that it's tryin to send some request to url
adamsardo5mo ago
Yeah I was trying with just the private url just to test it but in practice was using the direct transcript url pointed out above by @Gaurav Chadha It’s the transcript to notion build ship app @Deepanshu this one was what I was using (but the direct one from the workflow which was specific to the transcribe api file upload. Not on my computer atm so don’t have the exact one