Problem Streaming OpenAI Assistant
Hello to Everyone in the community !
I am trying to get "letter by letter" streaming but I am not abble to make it work -- streaming answers combining Buildship & Flutterflow as per @thedigitalpro tutorials 😓.
Here below are details : thanks in advance for you help ! After writing directly to the support team, I understand that my buildship workflow is correctly functional (this one as per : 👉I implemented the Assistant Streaming Model by Buildship shown here: And it does work BUT this provides a "word by word" streaming. It is not a "letter by letter" streaming like the one you can see on ChatGPT (even by making changes to the "writeInterval" I could not achieve such UX) ==> Maybe I am missing something here ? 👉As mentionned above, I also implemented solutions from @thedigitalpro. Those allows for "letter by letter" streaming. BUT unfortunately I was not able to make streaming work - tried both solutions here and here ==> I checked multiple time my Flutterflow workflow ad could not find a bug there (I checked the custom action code that connects to Buildship and processes streaming, I checked Supabase and chats do come in, I cheked the arguments and action workflows into widgets and all complies with tutorials. ==> The only thing I noticed is that "threadId" does not stick in Flutterflow (shows NULL). Maybe that blocks streaming ? (Although first chat answer does not stream either and it does not require threadId) abilities. ➡️Maybe there is something I am missing and I should deep dive into to solve my issue ?⬅️ Thanks a lot again for your support ! Artus
Here below are details : thanks in advance for you help ! After writing directly to the support team, I understand that my buildship workflow is correctly functional (this one as per : 👉I implemented the Assistant Streaming Model by Buildship shown here: And it does work BUT this provides a "word by word" streaming. It is not a "letter by letter" streaming like the one you can see on ChatGPT (even by making changes to the "writeInterval" I could not achieve such UX) ==> Maybe I am missing something here ? 👉As mentionned above, I also implemented solutions from @thedigitalpro. Those allows for "letter by letter" streaming. BUT unfortunately I was not able to make streaming work - tried both solutions here and here ==> I checked multiple time my Flutterflow workflow ad could not find a bug there (I checked the custom action code that connects to Buildship and processes streaming, I checked Supabase and chats do come in, I cheked the arguments and action workflows into widgets and all complies with tutorials. ==> The only thing I noticed is that "threadId" does not stick in Flutterflow (shows NULL). Maybe that blocks streaming ? (Although first chat answer does not stream either and it does not require threadId) abilities. ➡️Maybe there is something I am missing and I should deep dive into to solve my issue ?⬅️ Thanks a lot again for your support ! Artus
BuildShip - Visual backend workflow builder
Visually build workflows and powerful backend logic for your apps. Powered by AI, connect to anything with or without code.
Streaming AI Assistant on FlutterFlow with BuildShip Template
Learn how to get streaming response from AI Assistant connected to your database and tools on FlutterFlow with BuildShip. This is a full stack template.
Cloneables here:
BuildShip Template:
FlutterFlow Marketplace App:
The Digital Pro's NoCode Academy
AI Assistant Streaming with #BuildShip + #FlutterFlow - Full Example
In this community requested video we enhance a sample chat application in FlutterFlow to support Open AI Assistant Streaming directly from a #BuildShip workflow. Streaming is common in chat style applications which slowly returns content as its being delivered from external services. This is a familiar site in tools such as #chatgpt.
The Digital Pro's NoCode Academy
#FlutterFlow #Supabase Assistant Chat App + History + Streaming
If you are looking to include the use of an #OpenAI #Assistant with the added ability to save conversation history so they can be resumed at a later date then this example will demonstrate how to achieve it. Additionally this sample application also adds a little bit of complexity by supporting the use of #BuildShip Streams to replicate the effe...
2 Replies
@Artus You must have an issue as threadId is essential to be persisted in FlutterFlow. Without this your conversation with restart on the next question. Please do double check everything. The gotcha others have struggled with is making sure your casing in correct for threadId (capital I ... camel case).
@thedigitalpro thanks for your reply !
I did check several times threadId in the past, making sure its a capital "I" and checked once again just now. Still does solve the problem 😓
One thing I noticed - for the initial version you developped without supabase history - 👉 in the custom action code, when I want to make the threadId argument "nullable", FlutterFlow returns the attached error message. And when I click "Yes" it unchecks the "nullable" checkbox.
BUT I don't have this bug on the version you developed for getting history with Supabase. There I can make threadId nullable. And I checked all threadId arguments for capital I.
I still have the same problem with streaming and "threadId not "sticking"