sophiah - Hello, How to enable firebase auth re...
Hello, How to enable firebase auth requirement on existing workflow? I have a workflow already and a function on Flutterflow calling buildship (AI streaming) Is there any documentation on how to enable that users must be logged in to get requests form the API call?
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Hi @sophiah, Thank you for also sharing via in-app support. On checking your workflow logs, it is giving the error:
Missing authorization header or invalid format, needs to be in format: Bearer <firebase-IdToken>
The authorization token you are passing doesn't have a bearer. You need to pass it in the correct format. You can refer to this documentation - and video - Replies
Hello @sophiah, you can switch to Firebase Auth Trigger in your workflow -
Also, here you can get all the methods to secure your API Call -
Thanks a lot! I am already using Firebase Log In on my App, so I just set the Firebase Authenticated Request Trigger on top of my existing Buildship workflow acording to that documentation? Thanks!!
I put it on top of my workflow but it is not working - I put the firebase trigger action and then called my previos worlflow and called the new workflow fom flutterflow custom action which was working with my previous workflow.
This is the error I get @Gaurav Chadha
Hi @sophiah, Thank you for also sharing via in-app support. On checking your workflow logs, it is giving the error:
Missing authorization header or invalid format, needs to be in format: Bearer <firebase-IdToken>
The authorization token you are passing doesn't have a bearer. You need to pass it in the correct format. You can refer to this documentation - and video -