Omer7mo ago

Google calendar api and buildship

I have an app with multiple google calendar owners, i want to give the users of the app the option to insert events into a specific calendar owner they choose. For example, there are multiple businesses in my app, i want to give their customers the option to make an appointment and insert the event to the business’s calendar (without the need of the business to authenticate). Does it possible to do it in buildship? sorry for my english 🙂
2 Replies
AI Support
AI Support7mo ago
To achieve this in BuildShip, you can use the Google Calendar API to insert events into specific calendars. Here is a general approach you can follow: 1. Set Up Google Calendar API: Ensure you have the Google Calendar API enabled and have the necessary credentials (API Key, Client ID, and Client Secret). 2. Store Calendar Credentials: Store the credentials for each business in a secure way, such as using the BuildShip Secret Manager. 3. Create a Workflow: - HTTP Trigger: Start with an HTTP Trigger to receive the event details from the app users. - Branch Node: Use a Branch Node to determine which business calendar the event should be inserted into based on the user's selection. - Google Calendar API Node: Use the Google Calendar API node to insert the event into the selected calendar. You will need to pass the appropriate credentials and calendar ID for the selected business. 4. Return Response: Return a response to the user confirming the event has been added to the calendar. For more detailed instructions on how to set this up, you can refer to the BuildShip documentation on creating workflows and using API nodes: - How to Ship an API - AI Assistant Builder Guide If you have further questions or need specific guidance, please submit via the in-app support button.
How to SHIP an API – BuildShip
A unified resource to start building your backend with low-code. Dive into triggers, nodes, and step-by-step guidance to jumpstart your workflow creation.
AI Assistant Builder Guide – BuildShip
With BuildShip's AI Assistant Builder Integration, you can now leverage the powerful capabilities of AI Assistants without writing any code visually.
OmerOP7mo ago
The problem is that more businesses can join and therefore, it is problematic as soon as a very large amount of businesses join.

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