Dynamic Scrape
Noob here. Trying to scrape google.com using the template code. Keep getting a error "No element found for selector: #APjFqb"
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AI Response
Are you asking for general information about BuildShip, specific issues you're encountering, or something else? If you can provide more details, it would help narrow down the information you're seeking.
For a general introduction to BuildShip:
BuildShip is a low-code/no-code platform built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that allows users to build serverless applications quickly. It provides features like instant deployment, version control, and a large number of templates for various use cases. You can integrate various AI models and services with your APIs and workflows, making it a versatile tool for different backend functionalities. You can explore The Nodeverse, a library of pre-built nodes, or even customize and build your own workflows using JavaScript/TypeScript【4:0†source】【4:8†source】.
If you're experiencing payment issues, such as not being able to ship anything because your payment isn't being processed, you might need to reach out to BuildShip support directly. There have been instances where users faced similar issues and needed immediate support to resolve payment problems【4:4†source】.
For more specific technical questions or issues, please provide additional details so I can offer relevant assistance.
BuildShip AI Support
4 Replies
I can see the element,
<textarea class="gLFyf" aria-controls="Alh6id" aria-owns="Alh6id" autofocus="" title="Search" value="" jsaction="paste:puy29d;" aria-label="Search" aria-autocomplete="both" aria-expanded="true" aria-haspopup="false" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" id="APjFqb" maxlength="2048" name="q" role="combobox" rows="1" spellcheck="false" data-ved="0ahUKEwi2pMD32_uHAxW7slYBHRi0HBMQ39UDCA0" style="" aria-activedescendant=""></textarea>
Anyone? or need more details?
AI Support Bot Information
<@683325175093264389> you can react on the relevant answer (message) with a ✅ in this thread when you think it has been solved, by the bot or by a human!
Anyone can react on this message with a ❌ if the GPT bot is unhelpful or hallucinating answers.
Please note: Team members will review and answer the questions on best efforts basis.
AI Response
Are you asking for general information about BuildShip, specific issues you're encountering, or something else? If you can provide more details, it would help narrow down the information you're seeking.
For a general introduction to BuildShip:
BuildShip is a low-code/no-code platform built on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that allows users to build serverless applications quickly. It provides features like instant deployment, version control, and a large number of templates for various use cases. You can integrate various AI models and services with your APIs and workflows, making it a versatile tool for different backend functionalities. You can explore The Nodeverse, a library of pre-built nodes, or even customize and build your own workflows using JavaScript/TypeScript【4:0†source】【4:8†source】.
If you're experiencing payment issues, such as not being able to ship anything because your payment isn't being processed, you might need to reach out to BuildShip support directly. There have been instances where users faced similar issues and needed immediate support to resolve payment problems【4:4†source】.
For more specific technical questions or issues, please provide additional details so I can offer relevant assistance.
BuildShip AI Support
OMG wait. Strangly i just tried testing the code again, and it works now with the result:
About 318,000 results (0.19 seconds)