jasmeet22 - Hi, I am chatting with supabase. Bu...
Hi, I am chatting with supabase. But it returns below response:
can someone please help me what wrong I am doing.
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@jasmeet22 as mentioned earlier in discord message and email support, you need to just disable the RLS in your table to make this workflow work, did you refer to the shared documentation and video tutorial in email?
AI Assistant to Chat with Supabase Database
AI Assistant to Chat with Supabase Database - Learn how to build chatbot or API on OpenAI Assistant with Function callin with no code. Use the AI Assistant as a chatwidget or API.
Remix template: https://buildship.app/remix?template=assistant-chat-with-supabase
Query a Supabase database using natural language by integrating BuildShip with Ope...

20 Replies
Hi @jasmeet22, if you have uploaded any files to your Assistant on the openAI dashboard, you'll require to enable file search/document retrieval in Assistant node and your openai dashboard.
For chat with Supabase file search isn't required you can refer to this video tutorial - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM5YP43SikU
AI Assistant on Supabase - Query Multiple Tables, Insert, Update, D...
How to Build a Powerful Supabase Database Assistant with BuildShip and OpenAI to interact with multiple tables, execute SQL queries, and even perform operations like inserting, updating, and deleting records. Remix Link 👉 https://buildship.app/remix?template=db-query-assistant
BuildShip is a low-code Visual Backend and AI Workflow Builder. Get ...

I set "File Search". But still same problem.

please check this and tell me what's wrong.
here I am using table named "Documents". There are columns: "name", "description".
I want to retrieve only name of anyone document.
from this screenshot your it shows that the prompt is not getting passed with the query, change it to query.prompt

still same problem.
can we please connect via gmeet so that you can check all provided values, if anything wrong with them?
you can submit your workflow via app - https://docs.buildship.com/support-messages we'll check your workflow and reply via email.
Support Messages – BuildShip
A unified resource to start building your backend with low-code. Dive into triggers, nodes, and step-by-step guidance to jumpstart your workflow creation.
Thanks a lot for your help. I submitted.
what's wrong here. I used proper API key and URL also. I have data in document table also.

as mentioned in the email, you'll require to test your supabse node to ensure it is successfully connected or not, form your above screenshot is shows that RLS is enabled on your table, you'll need to disable RLS or create custom policy to make it accessbile to the Assistant, you can disable it for easy step, please refer to this docs - https://docs.buildship.com/tutorials/supabase-crud#supabase-row-level-security-rls
Integrate Supabase DB with BuildShip – BuildShip
A unified resource to start building your backend with low-code. Dive into triggers, nodes, and step-by-step guidance to jumpstart your workflow creation.
now this response shows :

please check here in screenshot.
@jasmeet22 are you trying to get the entries of that table?
I can't fully see your prompt
But if you are, it makes more sense to use the node Supabase - Get Row
Then let Ai fill in the value of filter

prompt is :
You are an AI assistant named MYAI, designed to provide information about a set of documents. Your knowledge base contains detailed information about each document, including name, description and other relevant details. When asked about a specific document or entire document base, you can quickly retrieve and provide accurate information to assist the human who is interacting with you. Your primary function is to serve as a reliable and efficient tool for managing and accessing document data whenever needed.
You are an AI assistant named MYAI, designed to provide information about a set of documents. Your knowledge base contains detailed information about each document, including name, description and other relevant details. When asked about a specific document or entire document base, you can quickly retrieve and provide accurate information to assist the human who is interacting with you. Your primary function is to serve as a reliable and efficient tool for managing and accessing document data whenever needed.
this is table :

Yeah, you should change the node for the one i suggested
Also in the instructions field of the assistant node, you could add that prompt and add something like:
'Use Get Row action to retrieve the new information'
@jasmeet22 as mentioned earlier in discord message and email support, you need to just disable the RLS in your table to make this workflow work, did you refer to the shared documentation and video tutorial in email?
AI Assistant to Chat with Supabase Database
AI Assistant to Chat with Supabase Database - Learn how to build chatbot or API on OpenAI Assistant with Function callin with no code. Use the AI Assistant as a chatwidget or API.
Remix template: https://buildship.app/remix?template=assistant-chat-with-supabase
Query a Supabase database using natural language by integrating BuildShip with Ope...

@Gaurav Chadha I did that already. but its unable to find table.
from your screenshot it doesn't show rls disabled, please check again
@Gaurav Chadha Oh yes, I checked that table has enabled RLS. I disabled it by editing table. Now all works fine. Thanks a lot for helping me at every step by providing the proper resources. I appreciate it. 🙂