How to connect bubble and Google Cloud Storage ?
I am trying to build a file loader function in Bubble, so that when the user clicks the upload button, the file will be loaded to Google Cloud Storage (should be dynamic), I check the instruction from buildship, but it wasn't exaustive enough, it doesn't work for me.
1. I am using buildship to build the Google Cloud storage workflow (am I correct ?)
2. how to link my buildship workflow to my bubble ? what are the configurations for both API to communicate ?
Thank you
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Hi @H, you need to use the File upload Trigger to upload it to your Google Cloud Storage along with Google Cloud storage node. Here is a video on file upload trigger:
And to connect BuildShip API with Bubble you can refer to these documentation -
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Hi @H, you need to use the File upload Trigger to upload it to your Google Cloud Storage along with Google Cloud storage node. Here is a video on file upload trigger:
And to connect BuildShip API with Bubble you can refer to these documentation -