Edouard2w ago

Push Notifications From Flutterflow app Stopped Working With Buildship

Hello ! I'm facing a really weird issue. Everything was working fine, and without any changes, the push notifications don't work anymore when it's triggered with Buildship. However, I see the the notifications sent by Buildship in firestore with status : "succeeded". It's just the "num_sent" field is at 0 instead of many users. The Buildship's logs are also "Succeeded". It feels like Buildship has the correct rights to write but the notifications are not sent. But it works when a notification is sent manually from Flutterflow... Any idea of what I should check ? Thank you very much. Edouard
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Hi @Stu , FYI, there was a bug on flutterflow side, they are deploying a fix right now. Thank you for your help !
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Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha2w ago
cc @Stu any insights here?
Stu2w ago
Hi @Edouard this is a strange one, especially since it has previously been working. Can you share with me what the ff_push_notifications document looks like for a successful notification sent manually from FlutterFlow? I'm not aware of anything that should have changed with the cloud function but perhaps there's a hint there?
Edouard2w ago
Oh thank @Stu . I just tried to send a new one, and it didn't work with Flutterflow either with this one. My bad. But the notification is set with Succeeded in firebase. What could block the notification if flutterflow and buildship can write in firestore ?
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Stu2w ago
I'm wondering if it requires a user id? And if this could be a new requirement? If you could get a successful notification sent we can do a comparison with what BuildShip is producing @Edouard
Edouard2w ago
Yes, i'll try with a user id. I just need a minor fix to get the user id on my app (as I use the anonymous login of flutterflow) to get one that I can test on my device. Keep you posted @Stu It doesn't work, even with a user id. The push is correctly added in firestore, but no push sent in reality 😦
Edouard2w ago
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Edouard2w ago
I doubbled check all the rights in the admin, i really don't get what could happened
Stu2w ago
@Edouard Hmmmm... well that says to me that there's a deployment issue on the FlutterFlow side. Can you try Redeploying in Settings --> Push Notifications
Edouard2w ago
Yes I did it too, didn't change anything 😕
Stu2w ago
I'm sorry @Edouard I'm at a bit of a loss. You could try going back to basics and see if sending a notification in Firebase Console works (in the Messaging section, click 'New Campaign'): https://console.firebase.google.com/ Perhaps there has been something changed within FlutterFlow or Firebase Messaging that I'm not across. The BuildShip node does rely quite heavily on FlutterFlow facilitating the process, so a search on the FlutterFlow community forums might also be worthwile?
Edouard2w ago
@Stu , that's exactly what I did. And it works with the Firebase Messaging. I have other apps and there's no issue. I'm probably missing something on this one... I wrote to the flutterflow support. Thank you for your help!
Edouard7d ago
Hi @Stu , FYI, there was a bug on flutterflow side, they are deploying a fix right now. Thank you for your help !
Stu7d ago
Thank you so much for circling back! That's great to know. 🔥
Coerage :)
Coerage :)5d ago
Could you please explain this? I have the same problem.