PLX Team
PLX Team4mo ago

Inconsistencies with errors & logs.

Hi Buildship family (desperately hoping and praying that someone answers) I have a workflow that works perfectly in production. However, I encountered a rare phenomenon today with one of my users. This user calls the endpoint but gets a 500 internal server error. However, we are unable to see any record of this request in the Buildship logs. To add to it, the response that the user gets after making this request is an object that has two properties. One is "status" with a value of 400 and the other is the stringified version of the request body. This happens on all the browsers on the user's device - even after cache and cookies are cleared. At the same time that this user is experiencing this issue, we are able to test with various other accounts and devices and we get no error. Can anyone help explain what could be going on?
2 Replies
AI Support
AI Support4mo ago
AI Support Bot Information
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AI Support
AI Support4mo ago
AI Response
The issue you are experiencing might be due to several factors, but unfortunately, no specific answers from the FAQ database directly address your situation. However, here are a few considerations and recommendations that could help diagnose the problem: 1. Client-side Issue: If the error only happens on the user's device, it could be related to something specific on their client side. This includes browser extensions, network filters, or device-specific settings. 2. Network Issues: The network path from the user's device to your servers might be experiencing issues that aren't appearing in your logs. This includes firewalls blocking specific requests, or proxies altering the request. 3. Error Handling: The 500 error might be thrown due to an unhandled exception occurring after parsing the request, but before any logs are written. Look into your error handling routines and make sure they catch and log unexpected errors. 4. Request Payload: Since the client's response contains the stringified request body, consider checking if there might be something in the user's request data (like special characters) causing parsing or handling issues and leading to a 400 error. 5. Buildship Configuration: Double-check your Buildship configuration to ensure all logs are being correctly captured and stored. If the problem persists and is critical, please consider raising a support request with Buildship support to investigate further, as analysis of internal logs or server configurations might be necessary. Make sure to provide them with as much context and any additional logs you can gather from your environment.
BuildShip AI Support

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