Elder2w ago

Elder - Hi I'm just starting with BuildShip and...

Hi I'm just starting with BuildShip and have run into an issue with the tutorial video. The tutorial video found here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37OWdxxQc4U Mentions using a template called "Webflow Basic API", but that template doesn't appear in the system. Am I doing something wrong?
Connect Webflow with External API - Display Data, Create Page Content
Learn how you can display data from an External API on Webflow. Create API instantly and visually using BuildShip - connect it to any database or source like Airtable, Firebase, Supabase, Postgres. Serve that data on Webflow page.
Webflow template page: https://webflow.com/made-in-webflow/website/rowy-cms-template Webflow code snippet: https:...
2 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha2w ago
Hi @Elder, we are making a few updates to the templates to save them in the new V2 version. We'll be adding it soon.
ElderOP2w ago
Ahh unfortunately the changes break your webflow tutorials.