Matt the Chum - My test button disappeared for ...
My test button disappeared for my workflow? Is that a plan issue or do i need to change a setting? This happened after I shipped my flow

11 Replies
Hey @mattchew, this should be fixed now, you can refresh.
oh nice! what was the issue?
Hi Gaurav, I was having trouble in our production environment. In the test enviornment, we were sucessfully returning a value, but we get this error in the prod. Do you think we can hop on a call to figure this error out? Or if I can speak to someone who can help?

Is it a template? you can delete and could you try and connect then ship the chatbot widget trigger again?

In your workflow on BuildShip, can you delete and add the chatbot widget trigger again?
Then deploy and test again on playground?
Yup, tried that but still got the same result
okay, so the issue is in your BuildShip workflow, you'll need to return a string in the message instead of an object.
Resolved the issue! I had another question: Is there a way to allow text to be shown such as "Generating a response" to the chatbot widget?

instead of just the "..."
Also is there a way to return 2 string messages from the chat bot instead of just one return value?