Yilong Yang (UM) - Hello, I am a new BuildShip ...

Hello, I am a new BuildShip user. I would like to make sure that whether the project-level environments variables is accessable for all the users to invoke the projcess under the project? and the lifecycle of project-level variables, when it will be automatically deleted by the server? thanks
2 Replies
Gaurav Chadha
Gaurav Chadha4w ago
Hi @Yilong Yang (UM) Correct, the project level env will be accessible by the member of the project/workspace. The lifecycle of project level variables will exist until the project is deleted or env variable deleted. The server will never delete it automatically.
Yilong Yang (UM)
Yilong Yang (UM)OP4w ago
Thanks, Gaurav. By the way, it seems have some delay between two workflow, when we set the variable on one worflow, get it in anther one, seems 5 second, can i control and delay or maybe some way i can reduce the delay, thanks!

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