phoenix - Api call is returning 403 forbidden o...
Api call is returning 403 forbidden only on Buildship - works fine in flutterflow and curl in terminal
4 Replies
Could this be a proxy or buildship issue? The call was working fine now isn't and I haven't changed anything
HI @phoenix sent you an email with the issue. Also sharing here . On the workflow you shared the issue is on the API Call node you are requesting this API (check in email) which is throwing the
forbidden error, you'll have to ensure the Authorization harder you are providing is correct to access the external API.Hey Gaurav - its working fine on FlutterFlow and in curl with the same API key and same endpoint
It also was working fine on buildship until recently
ISBNdB returns "Unauthorised" for a missing Authorization header not "Forbidden"
I have a feeling that something on buildship's end is being blocked
Hey @Gaurav Chadha - I just tested again without changing anything at all and it worked this time.
Was anything changed on your end?
Now it's broken again - didn't change anything ðŸ˜
nope, this error is not realted to BuildShip, its from the external API you are calling, please refer to the message above and the email for the API link