BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





New bug, related to the Buildship server deployment?

Hello, I set up few workflows and they were running without problems. Yesterday, they started failing for the same error: See attached. This seems to be a server issue on Buildship's end (see attached) Can you please help? I'm trying to get Management on board to move a maximum of our processes to Buildship but this is not helping......
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Session Cookies

I need to pull some data from a server. The process is this: 1. POST request a password to a url. 2. recieve session cookiw. 3. use that session cookie in a GET request to another url 4. take the jason object that gives me and store it in firebase. ...

Is IP whitelisting possible? 🤍

I want only specific IP addresses to be able to trigger my workflow. Is this possible in buildship?...


Hi there, I'm trying to use Connect Table but it's failing due to algolia. When I follow the "Rowy Backend cloud run" link in this doc, I get this error from Google Cloud: Unable to find the resource that you requested There was an error while loading /run/deploy/us-central1/rowy-backend?project=new-co-timing-0v8qce&folder=&organizationId=. Please try again. ...

Workflow Error

Hi - I'm receiving the error below when attempting to pull output of ChatGPT into an empty node. I assume this means I'm not mapping the value correctly? Tried a couple different ways and not sure what I'm doing wrong, any help would be appreciated! 🙂
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Ai books template Error: 400 Invalid value for 'content': expected a string, got null.

Hi Guys, I was testing out the template for Ai books using OpenAi but it doesn't seem to be working. I only added my API key but it throws the above error in the logs when I test it on buildship. I checked the node code and the content is passed with systemprompt. Can anyone address this please?...

Adding Additional Headers to API Call node

I have an API that I am integrating that requires an additional value in the header other than Authorization and Content-Type. How can I add an additional header value into the API Call node? I tried using the Edit with AI feature but it just hangs indefinitely. Side note: all Edit with AI's never actually complete for me. I have let run for 20-30 minutes and they never complete :(....
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Support Dialog Error

I tried to submit a support request within the BuildShip app Maybe here is better anyway?...


Right now puppeteer is POSTing to the provided urls and it's supposed to extract the entire HTML source, however it's only returning text. Is there a function included with puppeteer through buildship where I can visit the urls with a headless browser instead of API call? I've attached buildships POST data response & the html source that I need...


For your future low code scraping users, it'd be great to have an option to put a list into the crawler. Had to change url to urls and input an array instead of string. I used GPT to edit the node logic & it was simply adding this;...

Nearby Places not working

I haven't changed anything in nearby places node & all of a sudden it can't execute workflow from 'undefined properties'.
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Buildship IP address

My host requires that I provide the IP (or range of IP addresses) for remote access. What would I use for BuildShip?

Anyone successfully create a node with AI? Tips?

I have tried numerous AI nodes, and they all unfortunately do not work. Anyone have tips on how to write the prompt so that it will actually create a functioning node?

Workflow to download image and upload image path

Hi Team I'm working on a flutterflow project that generates a DALL-E image path based on user prompt in flutterflow. I'm looking for recommendations on best workflow to: 1. Triggered by API call to workflow 2. API call body contains the User prompt from Flutterflow text field. 3. Dall-E API call, to create the Image from above user prompt...
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Failed to execute workflow

I restored my workflow to a previously working version (shipped version still works) but I get no logs and failed to execute workflow...
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[URGENT] Suddenly, Supabase Trigger has stoped working

I have this Supabase Trigger that starts when I insert a new row inside my elaboration_queue table. It was working last night... I haven't changed anything in this trigger and anything in this Supabase Table... but today the trigger is not working anymore. I don't get any errors, any logs, nothing... I was supposed to present this to my client tomorrow morning 😦
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The YouTube Caption Extractor node only works 1/10th of the time. I keep getting blank values back.

I have tried with multiple YouTube URLs. Randomly it will work, but most of the time it does not. 😦
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Failed to parse URL from undefined

I tried using the Template for Google Vision Text Detection. To set it up I only added a query parameter and used it as "Image URL" for the Google Vision node. When I test this Workflow in BuildShip it works perfectly and it shows the text of the image I choose. But when I paste the Endpoint URL in my Browser I receive an error stating "Failed to parse URL from undefined" Anyone got an idea what I did wrong?...
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Return from a Repeat

Hi! I have a problem with the return function.. I'm pulling statuses from an openAI run, and I've used the repeat function with 240 repeats to check it. Each cycle has 1s of sleep, but even if I fire the Return function (let's say at the 20th check), the repeat keeps on going till 240.. Maybe its the async request for az OpenAI API? So strange.. Do you have any ideas? Is there any way to have while function instead of the basic numeric repeater? ...
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Create document in a SUBcollection in Firestore

Hi, I'm listening a stripe webhook after a subscription is created. I need to create a new document (with info from the webhook) in a user SUBcollection. I'm able to create the document it in a new collection, but not in a SUBcollection, can you share with me how to modify the node to do it? Thank you...