BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by oneway6026 on 7/10/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
AI Assistant on Supabase
when testing an example from on test I've got: 400 The requested model 'gpt-4o' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1. Follow the migration guide to upgrade to v2: Is there something that I can do to continue with tests?
2 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by oneway6026 on 7/7/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Minified React error #31
I was testing some node and after each test I received: Minified React error #31; visit[]=object%20with%20keys%20%7BnodeId%2C%20nodeName%2C%20stage%2C%20errorObject%7D for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. Atrer refresh it is possible to test again.
4 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by oneway6026 on 7/5/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
If I follow the user guide on how to add logging into a code: and perform test on one specific node. Logs are not written into the logging panel. I have tried several times and it seems that is not written at all. It seems that only works with the test of the entire scenario. How can I perform troubleshooting of the issues in the node ?
38 replies