•Created by Thomas on 12/16/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
What´s up with the chat widget?
It is mentioned in this tutorial:
I found it in the connect section, but no documentation.
I cannot remix this template eiter:
Any idea where there is information on how to use it?
7 replies
•Created by Thomas on 11/20/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Unexpected token 'W', "Workflow n"... is not valid JSON
Suddenly I get this message when trying to build any workflow. Tryed incognito mode. Same issue.
"Unexpected token 'W', "Workflow n"... is not valid JSON"
4 replies
•Created by Thomas on 9/19/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
trigger by firebase new document
Hi, is there a node that triggers a workflow when a new document is created in firestore?
I am thinking of something similar to the Supabase Trigger:
6 replies
•Created by Thomas on 7/24/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
firebase map instead of array saved
Hello everyone,
I'm facing an issue with a node in my BuildShip workflow that's supposed to save an array of strings to a Firestore document. Instead of saving the array, it ends up saving a map. Here's a breakdown of the situation:
I'm using the @buildship/create-firestore-document node to create or update a document in a Firestore collection.
The document should contain an array field named searchTermProxies.
Current Configuration:
"_libRef": {
"integrity": "v3:c86b19093b8beaf454a6d4cc9f2f577a",
"libNodeRefId": "@buildship/create-firestore-document",
"isDirty": false,
"libType": "public",
"src": "",
"version": "1.3.1"
"id": "db65dd0f-6b7d-4aeb-8d14-efb43f7ba4c0",
"label": "Create Document",
"type": "script",
"onFail": null,
"values": {
"projectId": {
"type": "text",
"expression": "projectEnv["firebase project id"]"
"merge": true,
"id": {
"expression": "${ctx[\"root\"][\"request\"][\"body\"][\"listingId\"]}
"hasErrors": false,
"type": "javascript"
"data": {
"expression": "{\n "searchTermProxies": Array.isArray(ctx["root"]["10f889b1-0ecf-44e6-a639-41496d1378d0"]["98713c80-5eba-455f-af1c-25ab600c942b"]["d7eed1c8-814b-4601-a7ab-c9464bfb0433"]) ? ctx["root"]["10f889b1-0ecf-44e6-a639-41496d1378d0"]["98713c80-5eba-455f-af1c-25ab600c942b"]["d7eed1c8-814b-4601-a7ab-c9464bfb0433"] : []\n}",
"type": "javascript",
"hasErrors": false
"collectionName": "listings"
Any guidance or help to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!15 replies
•Created by Thomas on 7/22/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
nodes do not parse input values

7 replies
•Created by Thomas on 7/13/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
query a firebase subcollection
How do I query a subcollection for documents?
I inserted to "Collection Name" : /listings/wJ0GuUW3AjzKq5P7VQg3/productQuestions
I get error:
Value for argument "fieldPath" is not a valid field path. Paths can't be empty and must not contain
6 replies
•Created by Thomas on 7/2/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Test workflow: "Failed to execute workflow"

5 replies
•Created by Thomas on 6/26/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Switch Node: one case for several conditions
How do I define a case for several conditions? For expression value "type" I want "case 1" to be true for values: "checkout.session.completed", "customer.subscription.created", "customer.subscription.updated"
I tried so far:
["checkout.session.completed", "customer.subscription.created", "customer.subscription.updated"]
"checkout.session.completed" || "customer.subscription.created" || "customer.subscription.updated"
"checkout.session.completed", "customer.subscription.created", "customer.subscription.updated"
5 replies
•Created by Thomas on 6/24/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
querying db through chatgpt: 400 Invalid schema for function

13 replies
•Created by Thomas on 6/20/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Firebase Time Format broken after update
Hi guys,
Buildship seems to have changed the date format to a number format.
I posted a message in "feedback" - I hope someone can help me with an issue concerning a changed date format in Firebase database entries after an update at Buildship. Thanks.
Here is my original message:
12 replies
•Created by Thomas on 6/17/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
train chatGPT on a conversation

6 replies
•Created by Thomas on 5/24/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
error message in return raw body text
Solved: I recreated the node and deleted the old one.
ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND","url":"file:///usr/src/app/bucket/builtNodes/b53faea1-f7b6-4cba-8b92-5050d0b391fd/1716541145220.cjs"},"label":"prompts","message":"Cannot find module '/usr/src/app/bucket/builtNodes/prompts/1716541145220.cjs' imported from /usr/src/app/runtime/dist/WorkflowExecution_v2/Executors/Script.js
What went wrong?
2 replies
•Created by Thomas on 5/23/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
400 The requested model 'gpt-4o' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1.
I am trying to use the openai assistant node with gpt 4o. I get this error:
400 The requested model 'gpt-4o' cannot be used with the Assistants API in v1. Follow the migration guide to upgrade to v2:
Any ideas?
2 replies
•Created by Thomas on 5/8/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
OAuth 2.0 access
Hi I want to use the etsy api via Buildship and I am having troubles recreating a simple api key test in BuildShip:
So they create a a valid OAuth 2.0 access token to make requests to any scoped endpoint. Is there any tutorial or resource on OAuth 2.0 access with BuildShip ?
8 replies
•Created by Thomas on 4/24/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Complex workflows -> timeout
I built rather complex buildship flows including website scrapers. Now when calling the api I get a timeout. Is there any best practice for the front end (flutterflow) on how to deal with long response times?
My flow works fine when testing it on Buildship.
I found a possible solution consulting gpt:
1. Frontend Request: Send an API request to start a task.
2. Backend Response: Return 202 Accepted with a task ID and status URL.
3. Backend Processing: Process the task in the background.
4. Result Storage: Store the result in Firebase.
5. Completion Notification: Use one of the methods above to notify the frontend (Polling, Websockets, Webhook).
So I am trying to send a 202 return, but I do not want to stop the workflow.
How do I do that?
Thanks a lot!!!
4 replies