BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Adrarc on 12/22/2023 in #❓・buildship-help
Buildship Puppeteer Timeout Issue
Hey there! I am using a loop to generate ~200 pdfs using a slightly modified template for the HTML to PDF node. This is using Buildship's internal puppeteer deployment if I am not misunderstanding ( My PDFs are about 160Kb each when done. My problem is that after about ~100 iterations of the loop, my PDFs now become 39 bytes in my Supabase storage. Opening one of them as .txt instead of as .pdf shows the message "Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded". Sometimes, the failed PDFs have the message "upstream request timeout" instead. I tried many times to pinpoint the exact issue - this never happens when I generate about 30 PDFs. More than that, around 100, and any other PDFs generated in my loop are .txt with these error messages. Could anyone check this and let me know if there is a simple fix to my problem? Is this issue coming from Buildship's server deployment of puppeteer ?
3 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Adrarc on 12/21/2023 in #❓・buildship-help
How can I secure my REST requests?
Hi there! I have a nice workflow (REST API Call) with a GET method. However, I would like to secure it with some sort of token. How can I do that? Right now it's simply using HTTP and if I go on Postman everyone with the URL can request the data, I would like to encrypt it with a token JWT or something - but not sure how to proceed with BuildShip. Many thanks in advance!
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