BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





google cloud storage

I want to route an audio file from the frontend to some audio classification models on the backend for classification. My audio classification models are on google cloud storage bucket. What do I need to do? Does buildship work with google cloud storage?

Object Validation node returns Unsupported type: timestamp error

Hi, trying to create firestore doc via api call based on this video the main workflow works. but i want to add "created_at" field. In validation part i have { field: 'created_at', required: false, type: 'timestamp' }, and my body json is like...

Domain Restriction

Hey everyone - new here! I'm building a simple API in Buildship that does the following: Receives a REST API GET request Queries a database collection...
Hi @wg, Currently custom domain is offered only on the Expert and BYOC (Bring your own cloud) plans which will allow you to host the server on your GCP, you can email us for more info at &

How to sign in to existing account

I see the flow for creating and authenticating with a new user account on firebase. Are there any examples of how to log in with the users email/password or through the google account and get authenticated into my app?

Streaming assistant in Loop

Hi, If I use the default OpenAI Assistant (Stream Response) node in Loop, it seems like it ain't wait the stream to finish and it submits the next message even if the first streaming (and run) is still running.. I works as single node, without loop, but in loop it gives multiple run error.. Please help!
@Gaurav Chadha I have updated your Streaming Assistant node, added Promise for Stream Handling and now the function assistant awaits the handleStream completion.. please check and consider update so others could use this as well:
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Errors using Firestore Collection Query as a function of OpenAI Assistant

Hi - I’m trying to use the Firestore - Collection Query Node as a function of an OpenAI Assistant. Unfortunately, I keep encountering errors no matter how I set things up. If I set the 'Filters' and 'Order By' fields blank or auto-filled, I receive the error message: 400 Invalid schema for function 'meal_collection_collection': In context=('properties', 'orderBy'), array schema missing items For autofill, I leave the default field name and instructions. ...
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Open Ai text generator

I have a problem, when I run my flow I get this error. Can someone help me pls?
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Test workflow: "Failed to execute workflow"

Suddenly this came up when trying to test the workflow: "Failed to execute workflow"
Hi Thomas, thanks for sharing this via support request, Sent you a followup email, the issue is no more on that workflow, and is working fine, let me know if you get this issue again this generally happens if a node is failed to build internally.
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REST API connection between BuildShip and SmartSuite

I don't suppose anyone has managed to create a connection between BuildShip and SmartSuite? It needs both an authorisation token and and Account ID so it doesn't perfectly match the videos I have found. I tried the AI assistant which made some changes (along the lines of Bearer ${ctx.root.auth_token}, Account-ID: ${ctx.root.account_id} but still no joy.

Firebase trigger - what am I missing?

I want to trigger a Buildship workflow when a document in my firebase is updated. I would have assumed there is a Firebase trigger (I saw one in an older video), but apparently the only way to do it is with a Rowy trigger? Am I missing something? Thank you for any help!...
To trigger a BuildShip workflow when a document in your Firebase is updated, you can indeed use the Rowy trigger. This allows you to react to changes in your Firestore documents seamlessly. Steps to Set Up a Rowy Trigger: 1. Create a Rowy Project: First, ensure you have a Rowy project set up and connected to your Firebase project....

Context Variable path not found

Hello all! I have set up the FlutterFlow Streaming Assistant with Firestore, but am having some issues when testing before I ship it. I am getting this error: (first image)...
Hi @Jono, you can delete and clone the FlutterFlow Streaming Assistant with Firestore template again, it should then show you to have a threadId.
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customise API Template

Hi, I am new to API calls. I followed the tutorial for using the OpenAI Assistant (Stream Response to Firestore) node. I am wondering is it possible to modify the node so it also stores a UserID. I have added the uid to the api post from FF and can see it in buildship but I cannot work out how to change the code so it adds the uid to the document in firebase. Anyone done anything like this?...


My workflow consist of three nodes, one of the node is fetching data from an external API. When executed in isolation the fetched data is returned but when executed in the workflow null is returned. Pls how do I solve this
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Why am I getting this error?

I'm trying to test Buildship before I commit to the subscription. I love the look and feel of the UI and the fact that you have many templates to choose from BUT... I'm having problems setting up a usable template let alone my unique automated workflow....
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Switch Node: one case for several conditions

How do I define a case for several conditions? For expression value "type" I want "case 1" to be true for values: "checkout.session.completed", "customer.subscription.created", "customer.subscription.updated" I tried so far: `["checkout.session.completed", "customer.subscription.created", "customer.subscription.updated"]...
Hey Thomas, the Switch Node executes the sequence whose case value matches the evaluated expression value, and this check is performed using the strict equality operator. One thing you could try is evaluating the incoming event in the expression and classifying it as required, see attached image for an example (if the incoming event is present in the array, the condition evaluates to true and case1 is returned as the expression, which is then matched against the cases that follow)...

Issues with the responses received from Azure OpenAI using my own data.

Hello everyone! I have a flow that makes a request to the Azure OpenAI API, and I am using fetch for this request. However, it doesn't always return the responses I expect. For example, there are certain questions that it only responds to in the Azure OpenAI portal, but not in the request from Buildship. On other occasions, it responds in English despite setting in the system prompt that its responses should be in Spanish. I'm using cURL with parameters such as "data_source" and their nested objects....

FlutterFlow Schedule Push Notifications

I want to send push notifications to users on the user specified time. I can create an admin panel form where i can schedle the push notification, or can i do it without an admin panel, so when user turns on daily reminders and selects a time, the user should get a notification on the specidied time. User can change this time as well. What's the best way to do it and how buldship can help with this?? #question #flutterflow...
Hi @Navaid, this video is a good one to checkout - on implementation of Push notification on BuildShip. For notifying user on specific time intervals, you can use the schedule cron triggers -

Use request body

This must be a super basic question, but i cant seem to figure it out. How do I use the value that i get from the previous node "Get request body" (i am trying to grab user_id) and pass it into the node Get Firestore Document with User ID as value user_id from previous node?
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replicate api for Llama 3 not working

hi, they changed the API code for llama3 and it is not currently working in buildship. can someone look at this?

How to bind UUID generator to specific field

please 😦
Hi @Link, A little bit of JS will do the work here, using the assignment operator to assign the new value.
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