Created by Olisocks on 4/21/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Can we write logs to console without using Log node?
Hi Team, Apologies for the silly question but can we write logs to the console in custom code of our node or do we have to use the log node? I am struggling with an issue in my code logic and being able to log info the to console would help me.
5 replies
Created by Olisocks on 4/7/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Workflow saying “no matches” when there is? 🤷
Hi Team 👋 I am a newbie to buildship so to start off and learn I wanted to start myself off with something relatively simple. I wanted to build a backend that is able to verify whether any data from a post request matches a certain table in my database. It either returns all matches with all row information else it responds with a generic “no matches” result. Now I used AI to help generate the node for the matching logic. The node looks good. Asks me to supply the - Table name - Column name - dataMatch parameter - Supabase URL and key Weird thing is that when I run the workflow with matching data the response I get back is “no matches”. I’ve used logging and triple checked that i’m passing the right data to the matching logic. I suspect there is something wrong in the matching logic itself. I tried using AI to check the code and no issues - everything “should” be working fine 🤷 Any ideas? Let me know if you need me to send any specifics from the workflow. Let me know if this one is better for support then will raise a ticket.
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