Created by Beetoven on 11/27/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
API error with FlutterFlow
I have a WorFlow (“Stripe Payment Checkout Link Creator”) that works manually in BuildShip 2.0. The input is in the format: [{ "price": (x) Price ID, "quantity": (x) Quantity }] In FlutterFlow I call the API with the following JSON file: { "PriceID": "<varpriceId>", "Quantity": <varquantity> } I've tried other variations: { "PriceId": "<varpriceId>", "quantity": <varquantity> } { "Price ID": "<varpriceId>", "Quantity": <varquantity> } It's always a mistake: "type": "StripeInvalidRequestError", "raw": { "message": "The line_items parameter... Has anyone experienced this problem and been able to solve it? Could you post the solution here? Thank you.
8 replies
Created by Beetoven on 11/20/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
New Stripe WorkFloe
Hello, has anyone managed to use the Stripe Payment Checkout Link Creator? I made several attempts in test mode and production mode without success. I always get the message: “No such price: 'prod_XXXXXXXXXXXX”. I tested it with a payment link and it worked, but this would be a workaround, not an ideal one. Follow the JAM session: Could anyone help? I'm already using the new version of BuildShip, unfortunately there is no video tutorial for this new WorkFlow.
6 replies