BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by dbrwk on 7/4/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Object Validation node returns Unsupported type: timestamp error
You should add it to "firestore create doc;"
5 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by dbrwk on 7/4/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Object Validation node returns Unsupported type: timestamp error
I am using timestamp when updating field values for Firestore documents. In node logic code you could modify the first line to this: import { Firestore, Timestamp } from '@google-cloud/firestore'; then you should be able to get the right time format by using: "created_at": //In my case I have coded to update the timestamp value right in the node logic, instead of having it as an input value. Note: I am not a coder myself, I used AI to help me create the code for my node, but it works for me 🙂
5 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Al_B on 7/2/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Errors using Firestore Collection Query as a function of OpenAI Assistant
Hi @Al_B ! I had a similar issue, and I "solved" it by using OpenAI assistant to call other workflows inside the Buildship. Basically, you have the "Buildship Execute Workflow" node as a function inside OpenAI assistant, and the workflow that is being called executes the Firestore query and then returns results back to assistant.
5 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by sdavidson on 6/19/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
empty node issue
@sdavidson if Baby ID is the documentPath, try to use "Log To Console" node before this custom node and log Baby ID's value.
3 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Herbert Riener on 6/23/2024 in #💬・general
Herbert Riener - Hey, I want to generate a pdf ...
If the Word document is the current template of the invoice that you want to use, then one option would be to create it in HTML format. Then you could use HTML to PDF node and it would not be a problem to include variables.
1 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Your Majesty on 6/22/2024 in #💬・general
Your Majesty - @harini @Shams @Gaurav Chadha ...
Let's say you want to track when a price changes. On Monday you scrape the price value and save it in your database. On Tuesday you scrape the price again and compare Monday's value to Tuesday's value. If they are not equal, the information has been updated and you can store the current value in your database. This would be repeated as often as you set your code to run. (daily, weekly, etc.) If you have other ideas on how this could be done, I would like to hear them.
4 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Your Majesty on 6/22/2024 in #💬・general
Your Majesty - @harini @Shams @Gaurav Chadha ...
How do you plan to track when the website is updated?
4 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Your Majesty on 6/22/2024 in #💬・general
Your Majesty - @harini @Shams @Gaurav Chadha ...
1) You would need to have a database where you store the information 2) If it is a specific thing you want to track, for example, price, you can try using the OpenAI module designed for scraping data.
4 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Christopher30 on 6/16/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Could not send message: Unexpected end of JSON input
Hi Stepan! For me, this didn't work only when I used the chat offered by Buildship. If for example, I built the workflow using Telegram bot & OpenAI assistant, then everything worked fine. Maybe you need to try it too, Telegram bots can be built for free and at least it will give you a chance to test out your workflow even if you don't plan to use Telegram at the end.
8 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Thomas on 6/17/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
train chatGPT on a conversation
If you use "OpenAI — Text Generator" node then you will have the option to add system prompt and user prompt (user message on Make). I guess if you want more than these two, you will need to modify the node either by using AI or your own coding skills.
6 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Victor Giron on 6/15/2024 in #💬・general
Victor Giron - Hey guys, would you expect/like ...
What platform would you use for building front-end? I think an intro to Figma would be beneficial. At least basic things, because to fully learn it, that would be another course.
4 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Christopher30 on 6/16/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Could not send message: Unexpected end of JSON input
Some additional info: I copied now this template: to try a simple chat assistant without adding any other tools. Simply copying the template and adding my API key, assistant ID and instruction prompt. And it still doesn't work. The error message states: "Could not send message: Unexpected token 'H', "Hello! Rea"... is not valid JSON"
8 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by alluring_lamb_98925 on 1/22/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Rapid api
I have done it, but I didn't use API Call node. Or to be more precise, I did use it, but was not able to make it work. So what I did instead was, I first used the inbuilt node generator on Buildship. But later, I needed more custom nodes, so I used ChatGPT for it. Simply add to ChatGPT message information from Buildships documentation about Empty nodes and also add the default node logic code. Then explain what your Rapid API need to do, what call to make, expected output, etc. You will get all the things needed for you to create your custom node that will make the API call.
6 replies
BRBuildShip + Rowy
Created by Christopher30 on 5/31/2024 in #❓・buildship-help
Node doesn't work on production, but works when testing
Thank you! Seems that logging values really helped.
5 replies