BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





BuildShip is down

I already submitted a support request by email
Hi @Fenyr, we are checking now.
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OAuth 2.0 access

Hi I want to use the etsy api via Buildship and I am having troubles recreating a simple api key test in BuildShip: So they create a a valid OAuth 2.0 access token to make requests to any scoped endpoint. Is there any tutorial or resource on OAuth 2.0 access with BuildShip ?...
Hey @Thomas, to make an Etsy API Call via BuildShip, all you need to do is make a simple call to the Etsy API endpoint, like this: ```js export default async ({apiKey},{logging}) => { const url = '';...

Google Sheet Manipulation

Hello there! I'm going to build an application interacting with my Google Sheet. I can get all rows from the Google Sheet. But Id like to get the specific rows' data using "Ranges" property. I've faced the following error....

User Prompt is Undefined

I keep getting this message please help me.
Hi @spencer, from the screenshot above it seems that you are missing passing prompt in the body when making the request. Also please ensure that that the user prompt has variable reference (x)Body.prompt. You can also clone the AI Asststant Chat template for a quick start.
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Need help connecting FlutterFlow Chat with Buildship

I'm really struggling to connect my buildship chat to flutterflow. I'm building a chat in Flutterflow and connecting it with OpenAI with Buildship. The node works well on Buildship, and I've followed the instructions in Buildships Flutter YouTube videos. But I keep getting errors and I don't know what to do. Can someone please help?

Logs are not showing up in 50% of my worflows

I don't know if it's because I custom code some of them, but it appears longer workflows just don't show their logs

Extra Trigger can't get rid off

I have this extra Supabase trigger in my workflow that I can't delete. How can I remove it?
Hi @dankmango Can you please share this workflow via in-app support?
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When im trying to test the workflow that i connected to flutterflow - it says error 400

OpenAI assistant with url scrape workflow. I connected it to flutterflow and tried to test. Here is what i've got
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Node escaping backslashes

Hi guys, I have the pdf to text extraction node. Then I pass that text as a string to the next node (custom node) where I want to split the text using langchain js. The problem is; the method I want to use is split first on "\n\n", then on "\n", then on " ". The node does however seem to escape backslashes from the provided string. Any solution to this?...
Hi @Sleetza, The html text input escapes new lines by default you'll have to paste the text in the expanded text-area to preserve the new lines. It is not directly possible to make <input type="text" /> to support new lines....

Basic Website Q&A Test Failed with 400

I ran a copy of the Website Q&A template through test. It failed with the following error message: "400 Thread messages or instructions must contain the word 'json' in some form to use 'response_format' of type 'json_object'." I created the assistant on openAI and used the correct assistantID and apiKey. Not sure what else I did wrong....
Hi @kuldude @Nikita, for the error where 'message[0].content' is missing, it arises when the user prompt is undefined. I'm guessing that the property that is being used in the user prompt input is not the same as what is being sent in by the request. The Jam shows that the property "prompt" of the Body is how the message is sent in. Can you check if that same property is used in the "User Prompt" input of the node...
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Handling Local Files with REST API Trigger for Whisper API

I'm developing a voice recognition feature in an Android app using Whisper API. Sending audio files directly to Whisper works fine, but I run into problems when routing them through Buildship's REST API trigger. I pass the audio file URL as speech_url, but the response from Whisper is consistently null.Does the REST API trigger in Buildship handle local files differently, or might I be missing a step? Any insights or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated....
Hi @thiwa, the files requires to be a publically accessible URL, you can upload it to BuildShip or generate a public URL of it by using the Generate Public URL node.

Push notifications with FCM

Hi there, we have a live app built on FlutterFlow and are running into an issue where the app icon notification badge does not appear on iOS when a push notification is triggered, but works on Android. According to FlutterFlow, they are blocked from solving this issue due to the following Firebase bug ( Using Buildship, is there a way to listen to the incoming FCM push notifications and update the recipient’s badge count? Or perhaps set a periodic background listener to update the badge count? Any workarounds would be incredibly helpful. Thanks so much in advance for your help....
This is worth a try. I've updated the Flutterflow Notifications node to add the badge count for iOS in the format FCM requires. A few things to remember with badgeCount, however... 1. Value Type: The badge count (badgeCount) should be a non-negative integer. Negative values are not valid and may be ignored or lead to unexpected behavior. ...

Cant build a node that relies on an NPM package

I want to love buildship, But I have not been successfull building a node, that relies on an NPM package, like in this example. It then just says that supabase.auth.signIn is not a function, but this is because the NPM package are not setup correctly in the node I would assume. ...
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telegram bot problems

I have created a telegram bot that interacts with gpt assistant. The bot it is working, however only answer in the original account that i send the message. I enter in the bot in another telegram account. And when I am going to interact with the bot. Answers in the original account that the telegram bot it was created. ...
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Validating the existence of query string parameters

So I'm relaying a call to an api which accepts a bunch of optional query params.... When i make the API call... I try to pass on the query params like so... ```...
Alternately you can use the API call to pass multiple parameter at one to your API

How to write a php curl api call (Please HELP) ? I have tried this

My buildship query parameters are : prompt, content_buffer $data = array(...
Hi @arronjazz, Currently only JavaScript and TypeScript are supported. You can use the HTTP curl instead.

File upload fails for a 80Mb file

I've created a basic workflow for uploading and storing txt files in Buildship Storage. The workflow works for 8Mb files, but fails for an 80Mb file. Is there any limitation i'm not aware of? (Currently i'm on the Starter plan)...
Hi @LuigidaBP, In paid plans the limit is 100mb, what is the type of the file you are uploading?

Error with nodes in loops

For some of my workflows which include loops the nodes inside them have came up with this error. Ive tried to return the workflow to a previous state and delete then refill the nodes but after a few minutes they become corrupted like this again. Any idea if this is a global problem or just my account? (for context Im on the pro plan, dont think it effects anything here though...)
We have identified the issue, will release fix soon. Thank you for your patience.
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branch output

Hi! i am newie with BuildShip, is there any way to get the output of any of the options in a branch for continue the flow? I want to return any of the outputs of the last step... i have try to use the AI tool but no way... Thank you...
Hi @javilin, you can add a return on either side of the branches to get the output of the branch.
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Sign In Auth with Firebase

Hi! i am working on a Chrome Extension and i found the sunshine on Buildship to help getting done! I had a lot of problems with Chrome Extension MV3 and connect to firebase. Now, i get and create (sign up) my users on firebase through BuildShip, but......
Hi @javilin, yes, you can use Firebase Auth Trigger