BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Get Google Sheets Content as text

I am trying to use the contents of a Google sheet (as comma seperated values or JSON) and then sending that text to my LLM node. How can I access the contents after having used the Get Sheets API successfully. So far I can only access useless metadata....

Multipart / form-data upload to BuildShip API to another API

is this still true (see screenshot)? im trying to post to buildship api that will post to another api to upload. reference post: buildship workflow:...
Hi @rhokstar, Multipart file upload is now supported via File Upload Trigger -
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Unexpected token 'W', "Workflow n"... is not valid JSON

I am unable to open any of my flows due to this error: Unexpected token 'W', "Workflow n"... is not valid JSON
It should be back working now, you can refresh the app.

(URGENT) No workflows loading

I keep getting an error when loading any of my workflows... It's not working on any of my devices... I can create a new one just fine but existing ones i was using building with arent
@!CarlYouKilledIt It should be back working now, you can refresh the app.
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RapidAPI - APICall

How can I include the following two parameters in the Authorization field? { 'X-RapidAPI-Key': 'fa5f502be8msh3daa3dffa53b1cdp1cdf56jsn351cf3f573b5', 'X-RapidAPI-Host': '' }...
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streaming assitant template is returning this error:

Could not send message: Unexpected token 'ש', "שלום! איך "... is not valid JSON in the widget testing mode...
Hey @meirk, could you please check the "Advanced Options" section, and see if "Response is a stream" is enabled?

trouble exporting default function

Hey guys, This function I wrote works perfectly when I test it in test mode. When I run it as part of my workflow, it does not work. I think it has to do with the way I export the default function. Any pointers to what I am doing wrong? Code in attachment...
Hi @Clinton, the output too large, is not an issue, you can still return the value or view the value when you execute test, we are working on improving the UX around it.

Stop a workflow stuck in running.

I am using the OpenAI Assistant node with Supabase create a row node inside it. It seems the Ai got confused (with my poor directions) and doesn’t know what to insert where so it keeps running as if it’s stuck in a loop. How do I stop a workflow that’s stuck in running and won’t necessarily end with success or fail?
Hi @01iver, for now deleting the workflow and and adding it again should stop the execution of the node running in loop. We are working on a hard stop functionality to handle this case which be available soon. Let me know if deleting the workflow stops the execution. (Note: you can copy/paste the workflow file before deleting to prevent loss)

Twilio “Parameter Error”

I’m needing some help with something that I thought would be pretty simple, however it’s becoming a challange. Upon triggering an API from Flutter Flow I want to: - Pass the phone number from the user to build ship. ✅...
Hi @a_burchfield Sent you an email with the fix, jus tadding the breif about the issue here too. The issue is that when testing you are passing the phone number as the body while testing but reading it as a query parameter in the Twilio node, you have to delete the required fields in the REST API Trigger due to which the request was never made through when tested/executed via variable.
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Output only part of Claude stream within <xml> tags?

Hello, I’d like to do 2 things: - stream Claude output which has ‘thinking’ first and then final answer in <xml> tags - take in Claude stream and stream just the part between the <xml> tags Is this possible please?...

Stories book app

Hi guys, I just discovered Buildship. I am testing the stories book app template but I am getting errors in the JSON genertaor node saying: 400 Invalid value for 'content': expected a string, got null. What does this mean? ...

Trying to update permissions on google doc

My goal is to update the permissions on a google doc to be writable by either anyone or a specific user (either one is fine). But several attempts have come up short. The closest I've come to getting a result is from code created by the AI. But based on the error message (I'll share below) it seems that BuildShip connection to my Google account doesn't have the permissions needed to make it happen....

Firebase Sign in with Password

Are the Firebase functions such as 'createFirebaseUser' custom built by Buildship? And does one exist that's equivalent to Firebase's 'signInWithEmailAndPassword' to create a secure sign in workflow in Buildship before generating auth token?

Google MAPS API Buildship URL to add / restrict in Cloud Console

Hello Buildshippers, I'm using a Caculate Distance node and I need to add the buildship URL that calls the API in the Google Cloud Console. I added and as well as the Rest API endpoint URL to no avail. It's not working...
The Calculate Distance node does not require an endpoint to be added, and access to the projects Google Cloud Console is not available for the BuildShip project,to restrict the key to a certain domain, you'll require a custom domain, which is currently available on Expert or BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud) -

User Auth Assistant

Hello. Im working on an Assistan and I would like to know if you have an example to create a user authentication flow with Supabase in Buildship and how to connect with the assistant
Hi @IsaacT, you can refer to this to create a simple and secure user authentication workflow with Supabase For connecting Supabase with Assistant you can use our pre-built template:

Buildship doubling quotation marks

Sometimes when copy pasting JSON objects in the expanded text field, Buildship doubles all quotation marks, rendering the JSON invalid.
Hi @Sleetza, Can you please share a video replicating this? I checked this is working fine, could you please check the type is set to JavaScript? As the quotes should be colored even if it is invalid....
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Code from Buildship docs (setting variables) not working for workflow variables

Hi, I'm reading the docs on using variables ( The provided code (for reading, setting and deleting variables) works but only for project variables, the code for workflow variables throws an error ("Couldn't save project environment variables") Example. ...

Logs for individual nodes

Hey I am trying to troubleshoot my workflow. Is there any way of seeing the logs with what is passed from one node to the other? I somehow only the first two nodes and then the result. ...
Hey @thiwa, You can add more logging statements in your node logic to log any specific value
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BuildShip is down

I already submitted a support request by email
Hi @Fenyr, we are checking now.
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OAuth 2.0 access

Hi I want to use the etsy api via Buildship and I am having troubles recreating a simple api key test in BuildShip: So they create a a valid OAuth 2.0 access token to make requests to any scoped endpoint. Is there any tutorial or resource on OAuth 2.0 access with BuildShip ?...
Hey @Thomas, to make an Etsy API Call via BuildShip, all you need to do is make a simple call to the Etsy API endpoint, like this: ```js export default async ({apiKey},{logging}) => { const url = '';...