BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Why wont GPT Vision work

When using the GPTv4 Vision node or any visual node I get this error message. Does anyone know what's happening Even the Buildship support email is no help. I can't find any documentation on this and no one else seems to have the same issue. Error: An error occurred while fetching: SyntaxError: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0...
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Storybook Template error

Hi, I watched the tutorial of BuildShip today and try to run it on and get this error. What could be wrong? Thanks a lot. Buildship is amazing for no coder. Jason { "error": {}, "label": "UUID Generator",...

UUID Generator

Working node and workflow started failing recently, has been working 30+ days "Cannot convert undefined or null to object"...
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OpenAI + Twilio - Request Timeout

We are building an WhatsApp bot, trying to integrate Twilio with OpenAI, using BuildShip. The issue we are facing is that, when we make a HTTP request from Twilio to BuildShip it expects to have an answer in 10 seconds, or it will timeout and consider a failed request. However, when we send the request to OpenAI it takes more than 10 seconds to return our call. I'd like to somehow, whenever BuildShip receives the request from Twilio, return a status 200 to Twilio and then continue to execute the other nodes, we tried to return a 200 in parallel but it didn't work....
you could execute a second workflow node, then return 200, then make the second workflow the main workflow

How do I extract row information from a rowy trigger

Hey all, I'm new to Buildship and have been struggling all day with something that has to be trivial. I created a Rowy trigger (extension) that fires a buildship workflow (from a firebase change). All that workflow does is receive the trigger (the first node) then attempt to output a field to the console.
All I'm trying to do is extract a field from a row that was added or deleted. So in my firebase there is a record that has a field called 'contextId'. I delete it and the trigger fires and I can see a lot of data embedded in the logs. But what i would expect I could do (based on the documentation) is to export to the console this:
'Context: ' + (x)Row.contextId ...
Hi @Roke @bobjoneswins, All the information that is gettring triggered by the Rowy Trigger gets stored in a Row variable (you can check more variable from output) you can use it to extract any field/cell value from your rowy table. Example (in the above image) - I have a colum with id welcomeMessage, (x)Row.welcomeMessage will get the row data from welcomeMessage and you can then use it anywhere in your workfow.

Is there a tutorial or guide...

on how to do this use-case - "Given Google sheet with name and email - do a Google search and find the first LinkedIn URL and Twitter link and add this to the same Google Sheet"
Hi @Taylor Quade, That's quite a specific use case! There isn't a tutorial that covers all of that, but I would: ...

Can't ship workflow

Hi there, I'm getting an unspecified error when trying to ship my workflow: "Something went wrong. Please try again." The test on the node is successful though. It's a simple cron trigger with a supabase get row request. Any ideas why I'm getting this error?...
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Can't create project

Hi getting this error while creating new project! Can you please resolve it. Error: Failed to create project: 500 Cannot convert undefined or null to object...

Google Maps Live Tracking

Hey guys, I'm having trouble making an app that shows the routes from the driver to the customer, with travel time and distance. Can you guys give me a tutorial on how to do this using Supabase, please?

GPT vision Error

How can I fix this issue. ChatGPT sayas its a JSON parsing issue. Help. {"error":{"error":{"message":"An error occurred while fetching: SyntaxError: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0 res:Service Unavailable"},"label":"execute-node","message":"An error occurred while fetching: SyntaxError: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0 res:Service Unavailable"},"label":"Branch","message":"An error occurred while fetching: SyntaxError: Unexpected token S in JSON at position 0 res:Service Unavailable"}...

Help with storing data collected by a form

Hi, I managed to get the form to work and collect the data, but I want to integrate it with Airtable or Google Sheet for better visualization of the data instead of having to enter each log to see the inputs. I followed the latest YouTube video where they create a form in Framer since I'm doing the same. Could you help me with what I need to add to the workflow to achieve the goal of visualizing the data? Thank you
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Looking for help with some Buildship/Bravo Studio projects

Hi, I am looking for some freelance help on a number of Buildship / Bravo Studio projects. Ideally you have both Bravo Studio and Buildship experience but its okay if you are just a Buildship expert. If you are interested can you drop us a line here: Thanks,...

Can't create new user in firebase

I am trying to create new user in firebase. It was worked before but now showing error. ```{ "uid": null, "success": false,...


I need to create a resevation form based on a calendar in 2 category: TRIP & CLASS. bot category have optional addons , and more that 1 people can reserver and pay using stripe.

Buildship Base64 upload error

Hi there, I am getting the following error : "error": { "code": 400, "message": "The maximum object length is 1024 characters, but got a name with 1043 characters: 'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABAAAAAQACAIAAADwf7zUAAA552NhQlgAADnnanVtYgAAAB5qdW1kY...'" Periodically when the node is attempting to upload the image from openai Dall E. I don't know why its doing this....

Firebase complex queries (OR, AND)

The current firestore collection query allows for filters, but doesn't seem to support OR queries. Is that true? I'd love to be able to do something like: ` val db = Firebase.firestore val usersRef = db.collection("users") ...
Hi @swipe, You can try with this workflow template. It uses the custom filter logic to support OR query, thanks to @Luis. 🎉

body is not an object error on Youtube API call

I'm trying to build a simple flow to make an API call to Youtube to get some additional info about the video and channel. When I get it set up and try to test it I get an error message of "body is not an object". The get call isn't even supposed to have a body so not sure what it's talking about or how to fix it. The documentation is pretty light on how to set up the node filter/functions so hoping someone knows what I'm missing here

Google Events nodes OAuth configuration lost

Hi guys, I have 2 workflows where I use 2 Google Calendar nodes to create and to delete events from my primary Google Calendar. The problem is that the after configuring the authentication of these Google Calendar nodes, the authentication information seems to be lost. This happens several minutes or hours after the latest authentication configuration. The message I get when this happens is the following one: { "error": {...
Click on the last text link if it says (advance).
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OAuth and Firebase

I'm new to API development so bear with me if this is basic. I have a third-party OAuth flow (Clover POS API) that I need to integrate into Firebase auth. I've added the OAuth flow as an OIDC provider in Firebase, I've added a flow to Buildship that receives the OAuth flow, passes it to Firebase and validates some data, but how do I next authenticate the user in Firebase?

Google Sheet Get Rows stopped working

The Google Sheet Get a Row node stopped working suddenly. I recreated it, credentials and authorization are correct. The range expression is : ['P2P!A1:Q109']. { "error": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'gsheets')" }...
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