BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





.cs filter

Hi guyz the .cs filter doesn't work in Supabase Get Row node : i tried arraycolumn.cs.value syntax but the response return all the record

Rate exceeded - Status: 429(Failure)

Hey guys, I'm new to Builship and here. Been working on an api call, it runs well while testing also good on Hopscotch but when I use it in Flutterflow I get this error. Anybody know how to solve this?
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Supabase update row error

Hi, i have an error with this node . Any idea what this error means :" Workflow undefined execution started (DeployId:undefined)"

How to update array ?

How to update an array field from Supabase table using update row node ? I would to push data at the end of the array

Extracting JSON value from OpenAI node output into Notion

Hi all, I have a GPT node that I'm asking to produce JSON that I would like to then use to populate the creation of a Notion page but I seem to keep running into trouble with formatting and/or accessing the object's properties in a way that Notion can accept. I've tried setting the GPT output to a string and then using the Parse JSON node, but that just kept giving me an error of "error": "Unexpected token o in JSON at position 1"....
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Buildship Puppeteer Timeout Issue

Hey there! I am using a loop to generate ~200 pdfs using a slightly modified template for the HTML to PDF node. This is using Buildship's internal puppeteer deployment if I am not misunderstanding ( ...

failed to add secret key

hey ! i'm having an issue when i try to add secret key...
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How can I secure my REST requests?

Hi there! I have a nice workflow (REST API Call) with a GET method. However, I would like to secure it with some sort of token. How can I do that? Right now it's simply using HTTP and if I go on Postman everyone with the URL can request the data, I would like to encrypt it with a token JWT or something - but not sure how to proceed with BuildShip....

Stripe Subscription

I have seen this example in next.js where the user can select a product from a list retrieved from Stripe. Users can then subscribe. The app will store subscription and customer information in a Supabase DB. Once subscribed, the user can manage subscriptions in the stripe portal. I need something like this but have no idea where to start.

BuildShip Static IP

I'm using a API that requires a list of whitelisted IP addresses. Does buildship offer API calls from a static IP address? If not, does anyone have a good workaround for this?...

How to set up a custom domain?

How can I set up a custom domain in my pro plan Buildship account?

Convert String to real JSON

Is there a way to convert a string to JSON in BuildShip? For example, I will have a STRING structured like a JSON: ```json {...

custom node?

hi are there any instructions to make a custom node? I am trying to connect to koboldAI's API

Buildship --> VoiceFlow API

Hello all. I am using flutterflow to create a chat and want to use buildship to create all api calls to VoiceFlow. I have the VoiceFlow api documentation but am struggling to actually create the right API calls. I am not fully understanding how to pass all the right information to VoiceFlow. Can Anyone offer some help on how to construct the API call? Here is the example CURL code which is working but I need to "translate" this into a Buildship API call. "CURL *hnd = curl_easy_init();...

Storybooks with DALL-E issue

I watched the (Storybooks with DALL-E) video and I copied exactly what was made in the video. When I tested the workflow on Hoppscotch, this error appeared. I tried everything, changed gpt4 to 3.5, DALLE 3 to DALLE 2 and increased the sleep time but nothing is working.
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telegram bot issue!

Despite having deployed the code and established a group with the correct chat ID, I am unable to view the response, despite everything being configured correctly. Can some one help me what went wrong ? #❓・buildship-help
The Telegram docs are now updated to include verification code -
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CORS header missing error on fetching public links

Hi all, I have image stored on buildhip file storage and I have generated public download url. I'm then trying to render the image with public url as src in my web app, but I get CORS error on missing 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header....
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I can't create my first project, who can help me?

Failed to create project: 500 Update() requires either a single JavaScript object or an alternating list of field/value pairs that can be followed by an optional precondition. Value for argument "dataOrField" is not a valid Firestore value. Cannot use "undefined" as a Firestore value (found in field "users.0.displayName"). If you want to ignore undefined values, enable ignoreUndefinedProperties.

invoice generation

Hi guys how do you create an invoice calculate taxes and send the invoice pdf via email i am looking for a thread or blog with detailed explanation

I've created a flow via the template (image attached) that:

1. Gets data from Supabase via API, 2. Merges the data points into HTML, 3. Converts the HTML to PDF, 4. Uploads to storage, 5. Returns the download URL....
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