BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Npm package versions

As I understand, when using named imports, Buildship automatically installs the desired package. Is there a way to specify the version of the package during this process?

Firebase Authenticated User Trigger

The documentation says that you need to make a POST request to this trigger. Is there any way to use this trigger for GET/PATCH/DELETE requests or do I need to add custom triggers to include Firebase Auth in my endpoints. If so, can you suggest me how to do it?

Sandbox environment

Is it possible to create multiple environments in Buildship (dev/stage/prod)? Maybe there are some workarounds to work with multiple environments? In my opinion, this is a necessary functionality without which it is impossible to iteratively develop production ready solutions

is it possible to use external libraries(npm packages)

is it possible to install and use extternal packages? something like npm install ...

Async API Call : check status loop

Hello , I wonder if there is node to achieve this : I have an async api call (similar to Replicate), first when do POST request, i will get {"id", "status"}. Then i want to loop GET request to check if "status" == "Completed" , how to do so ? thank you in advance...

Hi All, Captain Jack here building a whatsApp chatBot service and loving BuildShip!

I do need help with my current project, issue described below, appreciate any help or suggestions: Hi There, I am building a chatbot application similar to your example whatsApp + Twilio solution, I've got the Twilio sandbox, whatsApp bot and buildship backend integration running with just one issue, for one of my usecases, I need a request to come into the buildship endpoint from one user, process the request and send the request off to the appropriate endpoint to generate a response, however the response is to go to a different whatsApp user, this is where the issue arises, the request is received fine, and both endpoint workflows execute with no errors in the logs, the output response message is built and twilio sms sender node configured to send to the new recepient's number however this message is never received. Both whatsApp users numbers are signed on to the Twilio sandbox account. Is there a reason a request from one number cannot have the response forwarded to a different number? hoping you can shed some light as I have debugged and check all logs but cannot see why the response message is not received....

Possible to use Puppeteer HTML to PDF at 300 dpi?

The default is 96 dpi, but I need 300 dpi as the PDF are for book printing. I see there's a workaround using the Puppeteer npm packages directly, but Buildship send errors. We are stuck with your api endpoint (, is there an option to increase to 300 dpi using your API? Thanks

Is Buildship too advanced for a non-coder?

Non-coder here. Looking to create a back-end for a web-app that I have an idea for. Is Buildship too advanced for me, or should I start with Rowy instead?

Firestore multi-document filtering

Hi, Im new to Buildship and JavaScript and trying to retrieve the set of Firestore documents in a collection for which a field is equal to a certain value (e.g. return the list of cars for which speed = 10). This is step 1, the ultimate goal is to return the value of field A for the document where field B = X and field C = Y, maybe there is a better way? I can connect to the database etc fine and have succesfully tested pulling down a field value for the node which just gets one document, but when using the node which get mltiple ones I can't figure out what to put in the FIlters and Sort inputs to get it to run for this use case. I've tried various idea but usually end up getting the message:...

Get a Value from the REST API Call Body

Im trying to read the body of the REST API Call for a key and return the value attached to that key as a string. Im very new at programming and haven't been able to get it to work. Does anyone have some tips for getting this to work?

Is buildship private even from employees unless given permission?

As we create APIs and connect them, and scale, is our project private? I'm cautious to use IP and build IP only for buildship staff to take it and run with it.


I would like to ask the following two questions for Buildship: 1) Can I export the code of the application I am building? 2) Is Buildship open source? ...

Need help with Authorization in API Call

Hello, I'm currently working on a test REST API call using the "API Call" node. The challenge I'm facing is that my external API requires an Authorization header, specifically in the format 'apiKey: eaVCRghw0'. I've attempted various approaches to set this up in the "API Call" node, but none have been successful. Here's the cURL command I'm trying to replicate:...

npm install @google/generative-ai

Hey, I want to use the Google AI Generative Model. Is there a way to install the package @google/generative-ai? ...

CreateMyPDF API call

Hi All, I'm currently extending my workflow to send JSON data to the CreateMyPDF API. In short, I receive data from Supabase (via the Supabase Row node) and use this JSON output and combine it with a number of hardcoded parameters to format the body of the call (in a separate node), before triggering the call via the API Call node. It is supposed to return a URL (in a JSON response)....
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Gmail node how to?

Hi, I see there are some gmail nodes, any tutorials or docs on how to use them? thanks...
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Rename a node

Hey! when I use multiple similar nodes, for instance, in parallel, it is hard to distinguish where is particular node I need. Renaming all the fields in 'Info' of the node doesn't help. Is there another way of renaming the nodes?...
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Question about post-launch user functionalities.

I'm looking to develop an app with Buildship as the backend and have a question about post-launch user functionalities. 🛠️📲 Once the app is live in the market, I'm keen to understand if Buildship supports the following user-generated content features: Creating User Profiles: Can users create and personalize their profiles within the app? Uploading Videos: Is it possible for users to upload video content? Are there any notable constraints regarding file size, format, or streaming?...

Is it possible to Use Discord Api in BuildShip?

Hello is it possible for that to work?

Connecting to GoHighLevel

Hi Everyone, I'm not sure where to start with this task so any advice appreciated. I'm using gohighlevel as a CRM (for marketing and leads) and want to connect it to BuildShip for adding extra functions with AI. I have managed to connect highlevel by triggering a webhook from a workflow in highlevel to Pabbly - it then sends to an API in BuildShip, returns to Pabbly, which then updates into highlevel....