BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Pro Plan Chat Support?

Hi, how is this going to work with the pro Plan "Chat Support"? - When, where and how often? - What is supported?...

Node Names are not correctly shown in Log

see highlights in screenshots. any suggestions? as I have errors in my workflow: do these nodes work correctly? especially when fetching their output into the next node?...
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Simple workflow with chatGPT throwing error

I have this simple workflow (see image) and when I test it, I get this error: { "error": {}, "label": "OpenAI Chat", "message": "Unexpected end of input"...
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Question about security and auth in the trigger node

Hi, I´m building an app with flutterflow, supabase and trying to use buildship for some additional functionality. What I´m missing so far in the documentation is the security part for the trigger (API call). How could this be implemented (Bearer Token, etc..) I found an node "check auth header", but not sure how to implement this.

How do I test workflows?

The provided screen is from the buildship doc. However, when I use Buildship, there is no button for testing on that level or I do not see it...
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Get Document > Exists boolean returns undefined

Hello again 😄 I'm trying to check if a document already exists and branch accordingly, but the "Exists" boolean keeps returning "undefined" no matter if the doc does or doesn't actually exist. The node itself does pass the data, but the "Exists" method is broken I think. I'm attaching screenshots for reference. Let me know if you need more details...
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Fetching and Incrementing the highest number from a column?

Hi, since SupaBase keeps overwriting existing rows when creating a new item in my table, I decided to feth the highest ID of that table first, increment it by 1, and output it in buildship for further use in row creation and updating. Unfortunately, I only receive a 200 with {}. I am quite new to the scene. Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong?...
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Create Document node not working

Hi all, I tried using BuildShip's Database with Firestore Write/Read example, but it doesnt work. I tested just the node it always returns this error: { "error": { "error": { "code": 5,...
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Need an api

I'm interested in developing or acquiring an API that enables AI chatbots to produce images based on a doctor's instructions, specifically regarding dental health. Here's how I envision it working: a user describes their dental issues to the chatbot. A dentist then reviews this information and provides a custom diagnosis, along with a detailed description of the ideal state of the user's teeth. The AI gets the image (which the dentist uploaded it) showing what the user's teeth could look like af...

Scrape and write

I would like to scrape 5 websites each week and write a Blog post based on that input. The AI should decide about the best topic.

Internal Server Error 500 when deploying

Steps to replicate: - Create an account - Create a project on us-central-1 - Open the Hello World Template - Click on Ship...
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My (nodes) Library : I need unlock but mail doesn't.

Hi @harini I got a few days to learn BuildShip by playing with tha amazing disruptive tool. So I need to unlock My (nodes) Library. Best, oLπ...
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Screenshot node

Hello everyone, I am trying to use the screenshot node but without success 🤔 there are probably some technical concepts that are escaping me. I'll give you a copy of the details of my node. Does someone have an idea ? THANKS 🙌
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Theme bug?

In light mode, the search field is still in dark mode.
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Error with Stability AI

"error": { "error": { "name": "ApiError", "request": {}, "response": {}...

some more bugs

I just experienced that, as of now, it is not even possible to delete a trigger and add another one ... also, it is not possible atm to add a rest-api-call as a trigger .. the trigger shows up in the search-box on the left, but it just does not show up anywhere on the right side

I have to re-do everything in case of ANY error

I have to re-do everything in case of ANY error, pls have a look at this jam. I don't know what's going on but I cannot react in any other way than ... DELETE the workflow?

rowy-trigger does not trigger the buildship-side of things

Hi there pls have a look at I setup everything per docs but I cannot get the rowy-triggers-buildship-workflow to work .....

how to query/ read / write to gmail

First, You guys have the most exciting low code tech I’ve seen in a longtime! Can you tell me easy steps of connecting to Google apps like gmail YouTube and basic CRUD actions thx

Get email from liked Youtube video?

How do I get notified via email when I like a video on Youtube?