BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





buildship security features

can some one provide an article or post about how buildship handles securities and how can i deploy this entire flow in AWS ? can we scale each flow independently ? how about load balancing , private API , API gateways etc ... is there any end to end application developed with frond and backend and DB...

Can't access uploaded Base64 image

The upload result is this link: which doesn't work. I can verify that the actual file.png image (89B, the correct size) is in my storage. But I can't download it, and as you can tell the link doesn't work. (I also get an error when I try and upload anything to my files manually, so I can't test further.)...
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Hi I have been trying to work on a solution to go from Flutterflow Recordings to OpenAi Whisper. It's seems that I can achieve this with Buildship. Flutterflow gives you a Audio Path that is a blob url of an OPUS audio. I send this Audio Path to Buildship with an API. Something similar to: blob:https://d......

This should be simple (accessing value from response object using dot notation).

I am looking to grab a value from an object that is returned in an API response object. I would assume I could do with dot notation. The AI is suggesting the same, however it does not work. Getting an 'undefined' error. Grabbing the entire object works as expected, however trying to get the 'id' value from the object throws the error....
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Import a yaml file

Exporting a YAML file from the APIs tab is a great idea. Now how do I import the APIs using a YAML file. Thanks for a great product...

Getting json error while trying to run HuggingFace Interface API using node

Error message - {"error":{},"label":"Huggingface Text to Music","message":"Unexpected token I in JSON at position 0"}

Copy/Paste custom nodes

I created a custom node for OpenAI Assistents API and would like to re-use it. How can we re-use nodes we created maually or with AI? Can we make our own templates? How can I re-use custom nodes? I tried copy pasting, but it is not working. At the moment I have to recreate every custom node multiple times to use it (or spending AI credits to create same node twice), which kinda defeats the purpose......

Another Unknown Error

Can someone tell me how im supposed to debug this? I cant read it - I dont have a node with that name "though its a copied one" and I cannot publish the workflow now... I didnt change anything at all
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FTP node

I don't know if it possible but I need a node to connect to a FTP server, zip content and download the zip file


Hi, when I AI-generate a node for scraping web content, the buildship model often creates a script with Puppeteer (which I would really love to use as there is no known alternative for me (axios is insufficient)). Whenever I try to test a puppeteer node, the script just stalls. Any ideas?...

Having issues with Stripe ‘create Customer’ node not grabbing email from POST api trigger

I’m having issues with the Stripe ‘create Customer’ node not grabbing email and name from from POST api trigger body. Not sure if I need to do something on the API POST trigger node or what but it’s creating the customer in Stripe but with email and name being sent as null (even though I have it set to get it from the variable “”)

POST Method Trigger Not working

Hi guys - For some reason, I cannot use the post method. I have deleted all other workflows Ive used and only have 1 left and its probably finding the old ones as conflicting with it... What do i do to troubleshoot this here
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I am trying to create my whatsapp bot and I am not sure where I am going wrong: Can someone help?...
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"secure" flag in the logs

Whenever there is execution of a workflow you can see execution details in the logs. I saw that secure flag is false. Can anyone provide more info about this flag? How secure is BuildShip for production use at this point in time?...
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pricing and executions

Can someone please explain/clarify the pricing model? 7000 executions in the starter tier , is that for the month or per hour? #pricing...


Will Multi-region also be availability for lower price tiers than Expert ($279 /month)

I got my workflow up and running!

... now it is about fine-tuning ... I got 50 items I want to feed my buildship chain everytime I change something. Is there a way to do this with an automation (loop?)...

Looking for paid long-term help with workflow automation

Hello, I am developing a google appsheet app for my company and I am reaching out to get support to develop it. I know exactly what I want, and even have a developer with some backend code to assist us. I would like to schedule a call to discuss exactly what I need, and if you are able to assist me with this on a longer term hourly-pay basis. Please let me know if you are interested!

Skip Nodes: Error?

How is the "Skip Node" functionality meant to work? Couldn't find anything in the docu. No matter what node I want to skip, it throws an error (see attachement)
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