BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Output too large on API call node

I have an API call node that works fine in test mode but breaks in production with am "Output too large" message. Both the test and production are using the same inputs. The output of the node is used in a loop node further on in the workflow....
Hi @Clinton , the output too large, is not an issue, you can still return the value or view the value when you execute test, we are working on improving the UX around it.

Streaming AI Assistant using BuildShip is very buggy compared to the OpenAi API

Hello everyone, Im having a little bit of a hard time with the flutterflow template i find it to be pretty buggy with responses. Responses sometimes dont come in and when they do come in they are wrong like it wont remeber the name, also if i answer a multiple line response it wont receive it. Ive included a screen recording of a test from the app and also a screen recording of how it should be on OpenAi API. How can i get it to match the OpenAi response and not like the wonky template response App Test: OpenAi API:
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Google Cloud Storage "create document" node storing to Buildship storage

I am trying to use the GCS node to store to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. I have followed the instructions for setting that up from this doc: Buildship seems to be using its GCS though and I haven't been able to figure out how to get it to switch to using my GC account....

Hi I need urgent help!

Hi I need urgent help! I've built an AI Assistant on Flutter Flow using Buildship and Open AI. It personalises responses based on user data stored in Supabase. I've installed RLS, but it won't read the data when I do an API call. When I make the RLS readable to every authorised user, it doesn't filter for just the user ID. How do I fix this ASAP? My app is now down as my assistant was reading the wrong data. Urgent help please so my app starts working again for active users...
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I am try to pass a variable on a GET request something like this bellow but no success until now.

"" Because ID will be dynamic how to pass it? Thank you !!...
@I.K Designs You can pass the ID as a query parameter or from the body, you can refer to this documentation - Then you'll be able to pass it as a variable on FlutterFlow as well, tutorial on BuildShip x FlutterFlow -
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Hello im using buildship to make a cronJOb to my supabase DB so i can keep some reports. I can already do it, but, I have to turn off the policies for it to work, Is there a way of creating a policy to allow the buildship to interact with it?...
Hi @pedro Along with the above resource you can refer to this to create RLS policies and connect with BuildShip -

Google Cloud File into Node.js readFile

Can someone please let me know if there is any way I can access my file thats in my BuildShip storage and put it through Node.js’s readFile function via Buffer, path, etc. What im trying to do is use the output of readfile in an API call to upload a pdf to a remote notary company. From my knowledge, there’s no way to download the file locally via BuildShip’s nodes, then input that direct path into readFile. The solutions ive tried so far have resulted in infinite run times
Hey @Meechie, you can try this out. Hopefully it gives you an idea of how you can do something like this.

unexpected token

i keep getting the message below when i try to run an API node with a fairly large body, could this be due to a size limit being reached? how can i fix this "message": "An error occurred while fetching: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'r', "request en"... is not valid JSON"...
@Mig, If you check the logs of the test execution, by opening the nested error logs, it is showing this error - Number of request tokens has exceeded your per-minute rate limit (; see the response headers for current usage. Please reduce the prompt length or the maximum tokens requested, or try again later. You may also contact sales at to discuss your options for a rate limit increase. at Fill in Nodes and...

Getting "null" value in Body JSON in Flutterflow, despite Buildship API working correctly

Hello, I followed the youtube tutorial for barcode exactly and still getting a "null" value in Body Json once in Flutterflow. Please see attached screenshots. I've tried searching this discord, and see some stuff about changing Buildship API output, but can't find settings for that either:...
@DarthMonke You can remove backticks from the return node value as to get the result of type JSON, it required to be an object.
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JSON object in OpenAI Request

Hi all, I want to make an OpenAI API request by giving the message as an array, denoted as: "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant." }, { "role": "user", "content": "Who won the world series in 2020?" } ] Since I want to give the chat history this seems the way OPENAI accepts the messages. However the messages key is not passed in my request. How can I solve this?...
I was too quick to post it 🙂 I solved it by putting the messages array in the Body.
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Bulk GPT - test stops

Hello, I watched the demo of Bulk GPT (, where I can ask ChatGPT to do a task on each line of a csv file. The video says that it works great up to a few hundred lines, but it struggles with larger input files. When I run "test" on a big file (4000 rows), the "test" blue button reappears after a while (there is no error message), as if it stopped running, but the node "GPT text generator" seems to still be running. -Is the test still running? -If not, is it because my input text is too big? -How can I do to work on larger files? ...
HI @M. Berthet, you can buy resources as addons within your app under projects settings.

Uploading camera recordings

I generated a camera recording module with AI Nodes, but after testing it, it did not work. Can anyone help me create a node that will allow the camera to record a video and store it in BuildShipApp storage? Also, does anyone know how many videos can be stored by different mobile users? I presume they will be stored in my account on BuildShipApp Storage?
For creating a node that allows the camera to record a video and store it in BuildShipApp storage, you can use the AI Node Generator feature in BuildShip to create custom nodes. Here is a guide on how to build custom nodes using AI: Building Custom Node via AI. Regarding the storage of videos by different mobile users, the videos will indeed be stored in your account on BuildShipApp Storage. The number of videos that can be stored depends on the storage limits of your BuildShip plan. You can refer to the BuildShip documentation for more details on storage limits and usage. For further assistance, please submit your query via the in-app support button....

Getting a black screen when I try to edit my rest API node

@Henry Moses this should be fixed now.
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Email trigger not working

Hi @Gaurav Chadha So in response to your last email (it is easier for me to share further here)... "create a new workflow with only an Email Trigger and add a return and in the value return the trigger object, ship, and try it to confirm if it works for you form the logs, from there we can proceed."...
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firebase map instead of array saved

Hello everyone, I'm facing an issue with a node in my BuildShip workflow that's supposed to save an array of strings to a Firestore document. Instead of saving the array, it ends up saving a map. Here's a breakdown of the situation: Context:...
@Thomas Use the "Add Object to Firestore Array" node after you create document to update the specific field to type array. It should then update the field type to array, as the current firestore create doc converts the data to the preferred firestore type. This should solve your issue.

How am I able to get Return value back in Flutterflow Snack bar.

Hi all, somehow I'm not able to get the return value I generate in Buildship back into my Flutterflow Show Snack Bar action. Is there anywhere some documentation or example about this topic? Thank you.....
Hi @Rudy , you feed in the results from an API call into the Snack bar in exactly the same way you would any other return value into another widget. Is there a workflow or project you could share with me so I could take a look in more detail?

Open AI Assistant Image Upload

Hello I'm trying to configure the Open AI assistant to accept an Image URL- how would I go about that? My underlying model for the assistant accepts images(gpt-4o) and when I test the assistant in the Open AI playground and provide an image URL it works. Open AI ignores URL's directly in the message in the playground.
Hey @tlawrence, currently you would have to upload your files/images in the openai console when you're creating your assistant for the first time
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Help 😢

Hi guys can anyone please help, i don't understand why when I publish my project to the web i cant see any words or letters
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Cant update user value in Firestore

Hi, i want to update firestore field via node. Try 1 as a new value i pass data.user_id, but in console i see in the Input section: "_ref:[object Object]" ...
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nodes do not parse input values

In 4 out of 5 cases nodes do not parse input variables correctly. There is a lot of trying out, copying back and forth until suddenly it somehow works. However this is frustrating for me.
@Gaurav Chadha oh Yes! Thank you! You saved me 🙂
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