BuildShip + Rowy


BuildShip + Rowy

Join founders, builders, devs using Low-code / No-code to create backend, APIs, scheduled Jobs, automate, AI workflows





Help Edith webhook message parser

Hello BuildShip team! I am working on a WhatsApp bot project, but when I want to extract the type of message received in WhatsApp (text, audio or image), and through a parallel node create the flows for each type of file, however the message parser node , is not extracting this data. I don't have much knowledge of code, but I would like to know if it is possible to do it here, I want to buy a plan, but I would like to know if this can be done before making the investment. Thank you for your resp...

buildship - node not being used all the time

Hello I have an ai assistant that personalises responses based on a user profile saved in supabase. Right now, when someone sends a message, it does not use the supabase node ever to personalise data....
@Joy, Thanks for also sharing via support. I've sent you an email with a followup. Also yeah, as suggested by @Seb95 improving insturction should be helpful here.

Sending Google 0Auth through API call

I am wanting to utilise my users Google 0Auth credentials when doing things like creating calendar events etc. What’s the best practice to do this? Basically my users will be creating calendar events from the app for their own personal calendars so I’m trying to think of how to do this properly....

HTML to PDF bug persists - Pupeteer Error

Hello together, yesterday i brought up and issue with the HTML to PDF node, that the pdf couldnt be loaded. We were able to "fix" that issue tempoarily by creating a new node and let that node return the buffer. We use the buffer for us to safe the pdf in our cloud storage. Today we unfortunatly encounterd the same issue again. We tried different methods and followed best practices like using the create public url node as a download node. When we checked the return from the buffer we found this error ...

Getting data from an API File Upload Trigger.

I am sending a JSON along with a file to my workflow. When I return the body of the request, the entire JSON gets returned. When I attempt to try to return the individual components of the JSON, such as (x)Body.varname, I get a blank result. Im sure its something simple Im missing. Any advice

Simplifying Workflow by Merging Branch Outputs

I have a workflow with node branch that leads to different API POST requests, with the only difference being the body content. After these API calls, the workflow is the same, using the POST request output as input for the subsequent nodes. I want to avoid duplicating the subsequent nodes for each branch. Is there a way to merge the paths back together so that the output from either branch can be used in the same steps without duplication? I'm looking for a way to simplify the workflow after the branching and efficiently use the API response for the next steps....
To achieve this, you can use the Branch node to conditionally execute different API POST requests and then merge the paths back together. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this: 1. Use the Branch Node: Set up your Branch node to evaluate the condition and execute different API POST requests based on the condition. 2. Store API Responses: Store the responses from each API POST request in a variable or a context that can be accessed later. 3. Merge Paths: Use a single node to handle the subsequent steps, utilizing the stored API response from the previous steps....

Hume AI

Hey guys for Hume AI Expression-Measurement, My app front end requries me to upload the urls via api, however since the node has a call back, when uplaoding the yalm its empty. Due to i assuem it not having a result. Is there anyway around this? I tried taking out the callback url, and putting everything in one flow but when i do that, it doesnt wait for the job to be done causing invalid data to be passed through

ChatGPT Response Streaming with WeWeb and Supabase

Hi everyone, I'm trying to build a ChatGPT clone with response streaming, but I need to do it using WeWeb and Supabase platforms. I'm facing difficulties because ChatGPT's response streaming requires a different structure than traditional API interactions. I already tried implementing this using Supabase edge functions but gave up due to the complexity....
@SauloAssis, not sure about supabase but hopefully this helps with the WeWeb part.

HTML to PDF node returns corrupted file

Hello together. I am using a workflow that takes html as an input and then uses the html to pdf node to generate a PDF file, that will then saved to a cloud storage. That Flow was wokring perfectly until 04.08. When i used the workflow today the pdf links were generated but i can not open the pdf fieles in the cloud anymore. Apperently corrupted. When i check the node output it is empty. I tried to redo the node but codewise i looks like nothing chnaged in the node. Were there any changes to the rount that may cause such an issue?...

Airtable "Create Records" API Error

I'm trying to use the Airtable "Create Records" API to add multiple records at once. I'm passing the following response from the OpenAI Assistant: ```json { "response": "{"fields":[{"Date":"2024-08-06","Item":"Duck Eggs","Quantity":30,"Unit":"unit","Notes":"harvested"},{"Date":"2024-08-06","Item":"Chicken Eggs","Quantity":10,"Unit":"unit","Notes":"harvested"}]}"...

Multiple Streaming Sessions

How do I clean up multiple streaming sessions during testing? See the attachment. #streaming #AI #assistant
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FlutterFlow Streaming Assistant with Firestore

Hi i am trying to get this template to work and everything is showing on chatgpt and buildship's side but for some reason it wont come show on flutterflow... here is a video of what happens when i send a message during a test I have also attached a screenshot with the API test coming up as null, and a separate project with the template in its original form working
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Supabase: Invite user over email

I am trying to set up a team invite system with Toddle and Supabase. I created a helper table called team_members in Supabase with a Supabase Insert Trigger node in Buildship. However, I cannot get the API call to properly work. My Invite user over email API call does send an email, however, I cant figure out why the "redirectTo" parameter does not work. Did anyone already build this and provide their node as a template? Here's part of the node: const body = JSON.stringify({...
Thanks for sharing, send the emailRedirectTo as options. options: { emailRedirectTo: '' } In the data body, refer to this You can use the Edit with AI feature to modify it for your node...

Failed to execute workflow

Help me please
Hi William, On checking your workflow and executing a sample test, it is working fine. The error "Failed to execute workflow" seems to be due to a caching issue, you can try on incognito mode (private window) it should work fine. Also, a suggestion on your shared workflow, since you are updating the value after querying and iterating over the array, I would suggest you use a schedule cron with the schedule set to execute every two minutes. Sent you email....
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Google calendar api and buildship

I have an app with multiple google calendar owners, i want to give the users of the app the option to insert events into a specific calendar owner they choose. For example, there are multiple businesses in my app, i want to give their customers the option to make an appointment and insert the event to the business’s calendar (without the need of the business to authenticate). Does it possible to do it in buildship?...

How can I send a response directly to the user who asked the question using a Telegram bot on builds

I am working on a Telegram bot with chatgpt assistant using I want the bot to send a response directly to the user who asked the question (in their chat ID, not my) On video example on Youtube I saw that author used specific chat ID. But how insert here smth generic? Need advice....
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What is the cause of this?

@Henry Moses, its due to wrong expression (invalid expression variable) in the editor. You can clear the expression and add a valid one, it should work then.
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CORS Policy Issue

Hey there! I am facing a Cors Policy problem even with a public URL, am I missing something here or is it a bug? It is supposed to be a public URL according to the information on Buildship ...
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chat bot with nextjs

i have created workflow chat wi supabse and in text mode working fine but if I implement this in nextjs app and start chat that show error I was attaching image here. this is error wile chat with bot
{ "error": { "status": 400, "headers": { "alt-svc": "h3=\":443\"; ma=86400", "cf-cache-status": "DYNAMIC", "cf-ray": "8ac736299cfb6326-ORD", "connection": "keep-alive", "content-length": "203", "content-type": "application/json", "date": "Thu, 01 Aug 2024 16:30:14 GMT", "openai-organization": "user-tecqq7ghzy7wyosafoigsw2v", "openai-processing-ms": "23", "openai-version": "2020-10-01", "server": "cloudflare", "set-cookie": "__cf_bm=TjvnW71eNe7KTRlK8dIfFTtW7nj3Y1jD2tRgO9e.dEY-1722529814-; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Aug-24 17:00:14 GMT;; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None, _cfuvid=7Ip47q2TY8pp2awgE99XA8qmHKTUi_n2ogEKbdpfnr8-1722529814098-; path=/;; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-request-id": "req_d07b3718076ef9cdcf4466aceca53162" }, "error": { "message": "Missing required parameter: 'messages[0].content'.", "type": "invalid_request_error", "param": "messages[0].content", "code": "missing_required_parameter" }, "code": "missing_required_parameter", "param": "messages[0].content", "type": "invalid_request_error" }, "label": "OpenAI Assistant", "message": "400 Missing required parameter: 'messages[0].content'."
{ "error": { "status": 400, "headers": { "alt-svc": "h3=\":443\"; ma=86400", "cf-cache-status": "DYNAMIC", "cf-ray": "8ac736299cfb6326-ORD", "connection": "keep-alive", "content-length": "203", "content-type": "application/json", "date": "Thu, 01 Aug 2024 16:30:14 GMT", "openai-organization": "user-tecqq7ghzy7wyosafoigsw2v", "openai-processing-ms": "23", "openai-version": "2020-10-01", "server": "cloudflare", "set-cookie": "__cf_bm=TjvnW71eNe7KTRlK8dIfFTtW7nj3Y1jD2tRgO9e.dEY-1722529814-; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Aug-24 17:00:14 GMT;; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None, _cfuvid=7Ip47q2TY8pp2awgE99XA8qmHKTUi_n2ogEKbdpfnr8-1722529814098-; path=/;; HttpOnly; Secure; SameSite=None", "strict-transport-security": "max-age=15552000; includeSubDomains; preload", "x-content-type-options": "nosniff", "x-request-id": "req_d07b3718076ef9cdcf4466aceca53162" }, "error": { "message": "Missing required parameter: 'messages[0].content'.", "type": "invalid_request_error", "param": "messages[0].content", "code": "missing_required_parameter" }, "code": "missing_required_parameter", "param": "messages[0].content", "type": "invalid_request_error" }, "label": "OpenAI Assistant", "message": "400 Missing required parameter: 'messages[0].content'."
In your workflow you are taking the prompt form the query not from the body. change the prompt to (x)Body.message, it should work then, note here that the body is the variable from the Rest API Request.
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Buildship Bot for NextJs

Hi everyone, Excited to be using Buildship for a knowledge bot! I came across this chatbot widget and wanted to know if this was available for Nextjs?
Hey @coop2432, here's one way you can do this: First, install the NPM package in your project: Second, you can initialize the widget in any page or component you want using useEffect. Lets say you want to do this in page.tsx :...